West Barns Primary School Film

Zero Waste Dunbar is very pleased to launch a films which were made by the pupils of West Barns Primary School as part of a collaboration with us.

These films highlight the issues with litter in the environment and aim to encourage the public to take their litter home to reuse or recycle it as part of the school’s, ‘Take it Home’ campaign. We will post one film today and another tomorrow.

One film is an animation and was made by the P6/7 class who worked with the animator Emma Dougherty from Stop Mo Go. The Children wrote all the scripts and did all the animation and sound recording themselves.

They have done an amazing job and we would like to ask everyone to share the film far and wide as the pupils want to see how much of an impact they can make with their campaign by sending out the message via the internet.

The school did a variety of relevant activities to support the campaign which led to the films such as a litter pick and a waste audit of the rubbish, they spoke to specialists, undertook research, created reports, leaflets and designed signs to be used in the community. The puppets used were made by animating characters created by Zero Waste Scotland as part of their communications toolkit.

We would like to thank all the pupils and staff for the amazing work they did on this entire project and hope you will join us in spreading their films and their message as far as we can,



Published by zerowastedunbar

The Zero Waste Dunbar project is looking at becoming one of Scotland's first Zero Waste Towns. What do you think this will entail?