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Zero Waste

Zero waste family project

Zero waste is a concept that maximizes recycling, minimizes waste sent to landfill, reduces consumption and ensures that products are made to be reused, repaired,recycled or composted. Zero waste is about every one of us making a few changes, adopting some new habits and encouraging friends and family members to do the same. The ultimate goal is to minimize and eventually eliminate waste. Zero waste is being adopted by different countries around the world and by some local authorities in the UK. Zero waste Scotland is the program formed in 2010 to support delivery of the Scottish Government’s zero waste policy goal. It serves as a one-stop shop for businesses and individuals looking for advice or support on how to use resources more efficiently, reduce waste and recycle more. Scotland’s first zero waste plan was launched in June 2010. The plan sets out key actions, including new targets, to tackle nearly twenty million tonnes of waste produced by Scotland every year. It aims to drive change and inspire households, businesses, community groups, local authorities and the wider public sector to change the way they view and deal with waste. It contains a broader approach to tackle all waste, not just waste collected by councils.