Bringing it all back home

If you have an existing self hosted website or free hosted website, but want to move your contents closer to home, we’ve just installed a handful of importers that will deal with a good number of the most popular platforms.

Keep OurLocality Beautiful

Every so often OurLocality gets a makeover. Yay! News.OurLocality.Org (NOL) our aggregator website for all the good things that happen on our local platform, now looks better. NOL uses a responsive template, so should look great on your smart phone, tablet…

2 hours is too long but better than 7!

This afternoon at 2 minutes to 2:00, a database file started to play up on the OurLocality server, which is cutely named “Agora” or open space (greek) / forum (latin). Two text messages and 2 emails later and within minutes…

Go Parker

We’re upgrading this weekend to “Parker” (in honour of Charlie Parker, bebop innovator) with Version 3.8 of WordPress. The claim from Matt Mullenweg is that this is the most beautiful update yet, and that is just the girls’ view. Anyways we’ve given it a…

AA Roadside

We’ve noticed that some projects that come our way stumble to get their web projects started – web publishing is slightly more complicated or just a bit more time consuming than at first appears. Also once started some projects get a…

Server Transition Complete

The database and files were moved to the new server the day before yesterday, when we closed down the administration area. Sorting out the DNS took a little bit longer to get started, but with a little bit of help…