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What our bloggers are saying …

  • by jherring
    July 2024 The Victoria Ballroom(Photo) was converted in the early 1960s from being the gymnasium for the Castlepark Barracks into a dancehall, […]
  • by Syndicated News
    A LONG-AWAITED new service station on the A1 which will feature businesses including McDonald’s, Starbucks and the Co-op is nearing completion, with […]
  • by George
    East Lothian Antiquarian & Field Naturalists’ Society visit to General Register House, Edinburgh on 18th July 2024. Following on from the “Balfour […]
  • by pippa
    We met at The Harbour Chapel in both April and June to talk about what we are up to and to enjoy […]
  • by pippa
    We had a great AGM and Social meeting at the lovely Harbour Chapel, which, thanks to Ewan and Fiona, has become our […]
  • by gareth
    After a lot of time and effort spent, OCA are very happy to announce that the village hall Planning Application has been […]

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Why ?

We live in a global world, but one which still revolves around things local

Most publishing models still rely heavily on advertising

Not only is Ourlocality locally-based but its advert-free

More’s the point we don’t use personal information for marketing

Who ?

It could be you

Ourlocality is everyone, and anyone with an East Lothian connection

Individuals, community groups, small businesses, community councils and much much more

In fact anyone with a legitimate connection with the county can claim a site and start publishing within minutes

How ?

We use a popular opensource software platform, based on WordPress, with lots of security built-in

We foster an environment that encourages free thinking, debate and communication

We want local democracy to flourish and provide people a platform for any cause, however small

If you are enjoying the free version feel free to donate

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From the Our Locality Blog