It is snowing again

Sites hosted on OurLocality Free Website Hosting Platform based in East Lothian may have a light snow fall from today, which incidentally seems to follow your mouse.

When was the last time you switched?

Switched template that is. Now might be a good time, especially if your site was built before smart phone’s were quite so widespread. With WordPress 4.9, released a few hours ago, this should be a great deal easier.

Did you know? 2) @ourlocality posts your news but not your pages

Thankfully @ourlocality won’t tell the whole world via its syndication services: and twitter that you’ve just published a new ‘Page’ on your website. Only ‘Posts’ get spun out. There are, however, some small differences in the way that the syndication…

Did you know? 1) @ourlocality syndicates your news to twitter

Did you know that all your news gets re-published not just @ News.Ourlocality.Org but also on twitter @ourlocality? The News site first aggregates all published posts from the OurLocality network and then pushes it to twitter, after a short delay,…

An Update with You in Mind – WordPress 4.8 is coming

Indeed by the time you read this it will be … so gear up for a more intuitive WordPress! WordPress 4.8 – ‘Evans’ after the Jazz Musician Bill Evans, adds some great new features.   Here is what Matt Mullenweg,…


A Spam Blog (known as a Splog in the jargon) is a website or blog created exclusively to peddle links to some other website, which may be fake or otherwise misleading. Spam blogs can generally be spotted easily as they: