Did you know? 2) @ourlocality posts your news but not your pages

Thankfully @ourlocality won’t tell the whole world via its syndication services: https://news.ourlocality.org and twitter that you’ve just published a new ‘Page’ on your website. Only ‘Posts’ get spun out.

There are, however, some small differences in the way that the syndication services work. If you subsequently change a post, the snippet or the post title, it WILL automatically get updated on our East Lothian Local News Aggregator site. The twitter feed, on the other hand, won’t get fired again, so any updates that you make won’t show there unless you get there before the starting gun, usually fifteen minutes after you hit publish (handy to remove any intemperate remarks, errors or omissions …).

All this has implications.

  1. When you publish a Page, it may take a little time for search engines to find it as Pages may have a lower ranking and get checked less frequently.
  2. If you update a Page neither  is there an  automated process to advertise that update. The search engines may well take a few days or even weeks to catch up.
  3. So, if you want to tell the world about your new Page or a Page update, you should really write a new Post describing what you updated or ask others publishers, bloggers, social media fiends to the same.
  4. So long as you don’t repeat word for word what’s on the Page you are wanting to advertise, you should not fall foul of the DUPLICATE CONTENT schoolboy error, which most regard as a spamming.
  5. It is sometimes tempting to update an old Post with your fresh news. Resist! Draft a new one instead.
  6. And don’t automatically delete old news, as if old news is not interesting. Old news will be stored and if you know how you can expose the archives automatically inside your widgets or a even page. Old news may usefully chart the progression of a project and may provide valuable evidence to demonstrate what you’ve been working to funders and stakeholders alike.

By @ourlocality

Publishing Locally in East Lothian since 2010