News Photos

Sun shines on Pencaitland PTA’s annual Fun Run

Pencaitland Primary School’s PTA held its annual Fun Run just as the clouds broke and the Sun shone briefly on those taking part.

Runners at the start of the 10km race which began and ended back in the grounds of Pencaitland Primary School. Click the photo above for more pictures.
Runners at the start of the 10km race which began and ended back in the grounds of Pencaitland Primary School. Click the photo above for more pictures.
The PTA’s Fun Run has become a regular fixture in recent years with both committed and occasional runners participating. In addition the three distances — 10km, 5km & 3.5km — also offer the option to cycle the circuit.

All participants made it back safely and were rewarded with refreshments and the opportunity to enjoy one of the warmest days we have seen in months; rising to 12C in the afternoon. Fortunately it was still cool enough to make the running bearable.

Below we have a selection of snaps taken on the day. If you want an original copy of any picture featuring you or your family just drop an email to

We will report on the winners and times achieved shortly.


ELC’s transport team recommends alternate footpath again

After the recent public consultation held in Trevelyan Hall, ELC’s Transport department has returned a recommendation to Cabinet that the plan proceed with one change – no additional car parking spaces will be added to the school.

Following a recent public consultation ELC's Transport department is recommending the footpath plan proceed minus the additional (in pink) car parking spaces at the school.
Following a recent public consultation ELC’s Transport department is recommending the footpath plan proceed minus the additional (in pink) car parking spaces at the school.
The proposals included the addition of car parking spaces in the school grounds. A number of Glebe residents, who live around the school’s entrance, were supportive of the parallel footpath but stated they felt they had to object to those current proposals as they did not wish to see further car parking spaces added to the school as part of pedestrian safety improvements.

The original intent was that these further spaces would provide additional car parking in the heart of the village which, courtesy of a new disabled access footpath between the Church, Carriage House and school, would mean that cars could utilise these facilities on evenings and weekends where required. The view was that this would alleviate parking issues on both the main road outside the church and remove the need for cars to potentially park in the Glebe.

Now, with Transport recommending the footpath proceed without the additional parking facilities for the community, it is hoped that Glebe residents’ concerns will be addressed.

The public consultation consisted of an event held in the Trevelyan Hall plus both a paper and online survey. After removing any duplicate responses the results of that process were as follows:

From the public consultation comment book:

  • 44 For the parallel footpath
  • 24 Against the parallel footpath
  • 12 Not stating a position

The online element was more emphatic:

  • 61 For the parallel footpath

There was also a door to door survey:

  • 31 for the parallel footpath Plan

In addition the Community Council received one email for the footpath plan to be completed and one against.

In summary, this meant that there were 137 in total for the parallel footpath, 25 against and 12 where a view on the footpath being completed wasn’t expressed.

Next Steps

The parallel footpath proposals are already widely supported by a number of community groups, many of whom contributed to these proposals after plans to move the lights and widen the main road pavement were rejected by the ELC.

Now that ELC’s Transport department has submitted its recommendation to cabinet, it will be debated on the 11th of December. If the recommendations of ELC’s Transport department are accepted by Cabinet it will then go before a future Planning Committee meeting for a final decision.

Update 8 March 2013

Interested parties received a letter today informing them of the Planning Committee’s decision to go ahead with the revised plan for a parallel footpath through the middle of the village, thus avoiding the narrow pavement. However, it remains unclear as to when this work will actually be completed and the alternate path usable by members of the community.


East Lothian trials car ban near Schools

The media reports East Lothian Council’s decision to ban cars from streets near a school in Haddington. If it proves effective it could be rolled out across the county.

Car Chaos at the Glebe - should East Lothian Council extend its car ban to Pencaitland?
Car Chaos at the Glebe – should East Lothian Council extend its car ban to Pencaitland? Tell us what you think with a comment below.
The issue of parked cars near schools is a divisive one in many areas, especially where schools and residential homes are in close proximity. In Pencaitland’s case the main point of access to the school is via the Glebe — a cul de sac which can struggle to accommodate the volume of cars that arrive for morning drop-off or afternoon pick-up.

In the past the local school has attempted to address the problem with repeated requests for parents to avoid the use of cars to bring their children to school or, if they must, to park further away. Other efforts have included carrots such as the regular ‘walk to school’ week, or more visible policing with the local PC and traffic warden being on site.

There is some anecdotal evidence that such campaigns have alleviated problems for a period but it invariably reverts back to previous levels fairly quickly.

In light of this, it now looks as if East Lothian Council has decided to adopt a fairly radical new approach, effectively banning cars from designated streets — other than those of residents and the disabled.

The Scotsman reports that the council’s senior area officer, Peter Forsyth, said “The behaviour of these drivers, who make dangerous turning and reversing manoeuvres and contribute to congestion, cause difficulties for the majority of pupils and parents who walk or cycle to and from school.

“It is totally inappropriate to try and carry out these sorts of manoeuvres close to schools where there is a great number of schoolchildren present.

Radio Scotland had a phone-in on ELC's plans earlier today - 16th Nov 2012
Radio Scotland had a phone-in on ELC’s plans earlier today (16th Nov 2012). Just click the image above to listen now.
“Following representations from the parent councils of the three schools, it was agreed to introduce the experimental traffic regulation order. East Lothian Council may be the first council in the whole of the UK to take this 

You can read the full Scotsman report here.

On the Radio

Did you hear today’s (16th Nov 2012) Radio Scotland phone-in on this topic? If not you can still catch it using the BBC’s catch-up service for the next fortnight.

Q. What do you think of this approach? Would you welcome a ban on cars using the Glebe in Pencaitland or is it an over-reaction? Leave your comment below.


Good turnout for consultation and paper/online community survey

Whatever your view a big thanks to all those who made the effort to come along to the Public Consultation on the parallel footpath today or participated in the survey.

There was a pretty good turnout in terms of numbers at both the actual event in Trevelyan Hall and from those taking part in both the paper and online surveys.

An artist's impression of the footpath when completed going up tothe church
An artist’s impression of the footpath when completed going up to the church. Click above for a larger version.
Generally the impression was that the majority are in clear support of the footpath with the odd vehement exception.

However, Glebe residents asked the quite reasonable question of how and why the additional parking became part of the footpath plan and en-mass felt they had no choice but to object, despite not having issue with the core intent of a safer footpath.

Meantime, so far we have received 61 online and 31 written notes of support with 5 online responses against the plan .

Working with ELC officials we will now collate the rest of the comments gathered today and report back.

Remember, if you still want to participate because you missed the consultation and haven’t had the opportunity to air your view through other means, you can still take part in the one question survey here.

Results of the online survey
Results of the online survey

News Notices

Pencaitland loses Lollipop man Bill

Bill Wise in the summer of 2009 with a young Ben Averbuch on his last day at Pencaitland Nursery.
Bill Wise in the summer of 2009 with a young Ben Averbuch on his last day at Pencaitland Nursery.
It is with great sadness that we have to report the sudden death over the weekend of William ‘Bill’ Wise, Pencaitland’s local Lollipop man.

Living in Ormiston, Bill has been a regular fixture at the Pencaitland crossing of the A6093 into the Glebe and many locals, parents and kids got to know him well over the years.

Always ready with a smile and some banter, Bill could be relied upon to be there whatever the weather. He will be sorely missed.

If we receive word on funeral arrangements we will report it here.


Check out the new Pencaitland Parents page

There’s a new Facebook page especially for mums, dads and extended friends and family living in or near Pencaitland and other nearby communities of Boggs Holdings, New Winton and Peastonbank / Glenkinchie.

Pencaitland Parents on Facebook - click to check it out

Called Pencaitland Parents it’s hoped that over time it will become a useful message board for parents with kids of all ages to share information on both school and non-school events and activities in and around the village and other communities in the immediate area.

Of course, not everyone likes (excuse the pun) using Facebook. For those not so keen on it, we recommend following Pencaitland Parent Council on Twitter.

Pencaitland Community Council
Follow Pencaitland Community Council on Twitter

News Notices

Pencaitland’s After School Club plans to open over summer

Pencaitland’s The After School Club plans to open for three weeks during the 2012 summer holidays, numbers permitting.


Both full and half day options will be available costing £20 and £12 respectively. Full Day session times are from 8.30am -5.30pm. Families not already registered with the club incur a £15 registration fee.

For anyone wanting to know more, or to get application forms, email or telephone: 01875 341 466.

You can view the Pencaitland After School Club Bulletin — May 2012 [PDF] where there is also news on places available after the school’s summer holidays and a Job Vacancy for a Bookkeeper/Administrator for around eight to ten hours per month.

Pencaitland Community Council
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News Photos

Pencaitland kids put on play about Florence Nightingale

Kids from the local primary school put on an impressive performance of ‘The Lady with the Lamp’ for their parents yesterday, based on the life and ground-breaking work of Florence Nightingale.

The Lady with the Lamp - click to see more photos

Children from the P3 class put on the 30 minute performance detailing how the wealthy family of Florence Nightingale disapproved of her wish to become a nurse. However, this didn’t stop her and she went on to gain fame for her pioneering work in the Crimean War.

Today she is best remembered as a nurse at a time when only women from poor backgrounds would be considered suitable. But it was her statistical research which, through the use of at the time, novel pie charts (see the famous chart here) she was able to prove to Parliament and civil servants that the lack of sanitary conditions was a bigger killer than battle-inflicted injuries.

You can see a selection of snaps from the afternoon performance on the Pencaitland Facebook page.

More on Florence Nightingale on Wikipedia.

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Baldy Bane visits Pencaitland with road safety play

The Baldy Bane Theatre Company, which offers a range of plays it takes round communities in Scotland, recently stopped by at Pencaitland Primary School to present the play “Better Late than Dead on Time” which was developed in association with Road Safety Scotland.

The Baldy Bane Theatre Company present 'Better Late than Dead on Time' - click for more images

As well as kids from primary years six and seven, a number of village locals were invited to the show, including Community Councillors.

The play centres around a family where the grandfather is about to celebrate his 70th birthday, exactly one year after he’s lost his wife to an avoidable traffic accident. We also hear about other family members, in particular the grandson who suffers many close calls whilst using his mobile phone when crossing the road or under the influence of alcohol he shouldn’t be drinking.


Pencaitland fireworks raises £5,981.50

According to Pencaitland Primary’s Parent Teacher Association, 2011’s fund raising enjoyed unprecedented success with over 2,000 people attending the fireworks display held last weekend.

The PTA attributes its success to good organisation and planning from the team headed up by Ian Archer and the record turnout which was helped by a clear evening.

PTA Chair Charlotte Taylor gave a big thank you, “to all the parents and teachers who helped run the event – we couldn’t have done it without you.” The PTA estimates that ticket sales have raised the unprecedented sum of £5981.50 which will contribute towards much needed resources and equipment at the school.

Pencaitland Community Council
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