
Community Council submits response to ELC Transport proposals for road safety

In 2012 the Transport team from East Lothian Council submitted suggestions for road safety improvements. Your Community Council recently responded and we’re sharing this with you.

A map showing the PCC Roads sub-committee's recommendations to ELC's Transport team
A map showing the PCC Roads sub-committee’s recommendations to ELC’s Transport team
Pencaitland Community Council, which formed a Roads sub-committee to deal with this topic, drafted a response paper addressing the original ELC suggestions, which can be seen here.

The subsequent report from the Roads sub-committee of Pencaitland Community Council, called “COMMUNITY CONSULTATION TRAFFIC CALMING MEASURES REPORT AND RECOMMENDATIONS”, can now be read online [PDF] and you can view a Google Map which illustrates where the sub-committee believes ELC can implement improvements and make both pedestrians and road users safer.

Below we are reproducing the covering letter which recently went to ELC along with the Roads sub-committee report.

“This is the community’s response to the plans originally presented to Pencaitland Community Council back in July 2012. Since receiving these plans we have reported on it and shared it widely via traditional methods, such as posters and suggestions boxes in the local post office and shops, as well as through the local school and online/social media.

Now, after quite a lot of consultation we’re reverting to your department with our thoughts in the attached PDF, taking into consideration the views from across the spectrum of the community.

Our primary concern is that we ensure you have time to consider our views prior to the skimming of the A6093 through Pencaitland later this year, in order that any measures we are seeking from Transport can be factored in as part of that scheduled work.

On the whole, within Pencaitland proper we are seeking road traffic measures which involve far less additional work than I think was envisaged when ELC Transport was proposing physically narrowing the road and widening the pavements. However, apart from the addition of painted cycle paths we are seeking two double D islands and a further pedestrian crossing (Zebra) at Pencaitland Park. The latter would not only slow traffic entering/exiting Pencaitland but also provide a safe crossing for children using the pick up/drop off point for school buses.

For the rest of the village we would like to see a consistency of approach in terms of positioning speed signs and rumble strips at all entrances to the village, with the exception of Huntlaw Road which is too minor. Some of this work has already been carried out but it is apparent that elements have yet to be completed, such as rumble strips and the painting of relocated 30mph white on red signage directly onto the tarmac.

Of great concern was the recent accident that put 11 year old Harry into a coma on the B6363 through Boggs Holdings shortly before school broke up for the summer. We had already extended the scope of your department’s original plan to include the Boggs, and would ask you to give serious consideration to how we improve the safety of both pedestrians and cyclists, young and old, on these stretches of road. The B6363 leads to and from many residential properties which currently lack a defined pavement or even a painted cycle lane.

Lastly, there is the big ticket issue of a roundabout over the current crossroads. Many people welcome your department’s original suggestion of a roundabout at the eastern entrance into Pencaitland. However, a significant proportion of people have expressed concern about the necessary relocation of the War Memorial that this plan would require. We would like to propose a slightly altered version of the roundabout plan which would obviate the need to relocate the War Memorial from it’s general location today.

Once you have had time to digest the views and proposals in the attached document and the associated visual on the map, we would appreciate the opportunity of having a follow up discussion with you to consider next steps and what your department can do to meet the desires of locals for safer roads and pavements for those living in and around Pencaitland.

All the best

Chair, Pencaitland Community Council”


STV News reports on accident victim Harry’s return to school

Shortly before the summer break local boy Harry was knocked down and seriously hurt walking home when a white van crashed into him from behind, putting him in a coma.

Last night’s STV News followed up on the accident, reporting on his recovery and return to school whilst looking at issues of pedestrian and cyclist safety in and around the area.

Harry's recovery and issues of pedestrian safety were highlighted by STV News - the story starts 15m 55s into the report which can be watched online by clicking the image.
Harry’s recovery and issues of pedestrian safety were highlighted by STV News – the story starts 15m 55s into the report which can be watched online by clicking the image.


Courier covers van crash victim Harry’s recovery from coma

The East Lothian Courier reported on accident victim Harry’s recent recovery from a medically induced coma after being knocked down by the driver of a white van, whilst heading home from school along the edge of the B6363 through Boggs Holdings.

The Courier reported on the accident and Harry's recovery across the cover of it's current issue and on page 2. If you missed it, click above to read the story by Mairi Gordon.
The Courier reported on the accident and Harry’s recovery across the cover of it’s current issue and on page 2. If you missed it, click above to read the story by Mairi Gordon.
You can read the front cover story here and page two follow up here.

This recent accident is all the more poignant given that the Community Council has been looking at issues of road safety in and around Pencaitland. This followed ELC’s Transport team providing the community with outline plans last year suggesting a number of possible road safety changes.

You can see those original plans and what was proposed by ELC by clicking here.

We still need your views

Tell us your views on the preliminary response to ELC’s plans via email to or by simply leaving a comment on this page. You can also leave a comment in a dedicated box that can be found in the local Pencaitland Post Office.


Reporting road problems to East Lothian Council

The last few days of freezing temperatures have taken their toll on the main roads through Pencaitland with tarmac breaking to form fresh potholes.

A section of pavement in the centre of Pencaitland broken up by heavy vehicles parking wheels over edge. A child tripped over the rubble caused by this damage.
A section of pavement in the centre of Pencaitland broken up by heavy vehicles parking wheels over edge. A child tripped over the rubble caused by this damage.
On both sides of the Tyne Bridge there are rapidly growing potholes which could damage a vehicle or, as happens in wet weather, splash pedestrians, particularly whilst they walk on the narrow section of pavement.

The good news is that in this digital age it really couldn’t be easier to report problems to the Council, both directly or via other means. Here’s one method… is a fantastic concept from the mySociety team, which in turn is a charitable initiative from the UK Citizens Online Democracy. All you need to do in order to report a local issue is enter your postcode, supply (optional) contact details, upload a picture (it’s better if you have one). Then just hit the send button.

You then receive a confirmation email with a link from FixMyStreet. Click the link to confirm and you’re done. Your local council, in this case East Lothian, will been alerted courtesy of

Contact the Council

Alternatively, you can go directly to East Lothian Council with reports of road problems by filling in an online form. You can choose to register or submit problems anonymously.

It then asks for the street and town plus details of the fault. There doesn’t seem to be a way to send in a picture with the submission unfortunately. Once submitted you are given a reference number for follow up and you receive an email confirming the submission has been received.

If it’s an emergency or particularly urgent you can call:

  • 01875 824305 during office hours (Monday-Thursday 8am-5pm or Friday 8am-4pm)
  • 01875 612818 out of office hours


ELC’s transport team recommends alternate footpath again

After the recent public consultation held in Trevelyan Hall, ELC’s Transport department has returned a recommendation to Cabinet that the plan proceed with one change – no additional car parking spaces will be added to the school.

Following a recent public consultation ELC's Transport department is recommending the footpath plan proceed minus the additional (in pink) car parking spaces at the school.
Following a recent public consultation ELC’s Transport department is recommending the footpath plan proceed minus the additional (in pink) car parking spaces at the school.
The proposals included the addition of car parking spaces in the school grounds. A number of Glebe residents, who live around the school’s entrance, were supportive of the parallel footpath but stated they felt they had to object to those current proposals as they did not wish to see further car parking spaces added to the school as part of pedestrian safety improvements.

The original intent was that these further spaces would provide additional car parking in the heart of the village which, courtesy of a new disabled access footpath between the Church, Carriage House and school, would mean that cars could utilise these facilities on evenings and weekends where required. The view was that this would alleviate parking issues on both the main road outside the church and remove the need for cars to potentially park in the Glebe.

Now, with Transport recommending the footpath proceed without the additional parking facilities for the community, it is hoped that Glebe residents’ concerns will be addressed.

The public consultation consisted of an event held in the Trevelyan Hall plus both a paper and online survey. After removing any duplicate responses the results of that process were as follows:

From the public consultation comment book:

  • 44 For the parallel footpath
  • 24 Against the parallel footpath
  • 12 Not stating a position

The online element was more emphatic:

  • 61 For the parallel footpath

There was also a door to door survey:

  • 31 for the parallel footpath Plan

In addition the Community Council received one email for the footpath plan to be completed and one against.

In summary, this meant that there were 137 in total for the parallel footpath, 25 against and 12 where a view on the footpath being completed wasn’t expressed.

Next Steps

The parallel footpath proposals are already widely supported by a number of community groups, many of whom contributed to these proposals after plans to move the lights and widen the main road pavement were rejected by the ELC.

Now that ELC’s Transport department has submitted its recommendation to cabinet, it will be debated on the 11th of December. If the recommendations of ELC’s Transport department are accepted by Cabinet it will then go before a future Planning Committee meeting for a final decision.

Update 8 March 2013

Interested parties received a letter today informing them of the Planning Committee’s decision to go ahead with the revised plan for a parallel footpath through the middle of the village, thus avoiding the narrow pavement. However, it remains unclear as to when this work will actually be completed and the alternate path usable by members of the community.


East Lothian trials car ban near Schools

The media reports East Lothian Council’s decision to ban cars from streets near a school in Haddington. If it proves effective it could be rolled out across the county.

Car Chaos at the Glebe - should East Lothian Council extend its car ban to Pencaitland?
Car Chaos at the Glebe – should East Lothian Council extend its car ban to Pencaitland? Tell us what you think with a comment below.
The issue of parked cars near schools is a divisive one in many areas, especially where schools and residential homes are in close proximity. In Pencaitland’s case the main point of access to the school is via the Glebe — a cul de sac which can struggle to accommodate the volume of cars that arrive for morning drop-off or afternoon pick-up.

In the past the local school has attempted to address the problem with repeated requests for parents to avoid the use of cars to bring their children to school or, if they must, to park further away. Other efforts have included carrots such as the regular ‘walk to school’ week, or more visible policing with the local PC and traffic warden being on site.

There is some anecdotal evidence that such campaigns have alleviated problems for a period but it invariably reverts back to previous levels fairly quickly.

In light of this, it now looks as if East Lothian Council has decided to adopt a fairly radical new approach, effectively banning cars from designated streets — other than those of residents and the disabled.

The Scotsman reports that the council’s senior area officer, Peter Forsyth, said “The behaviour of these drivers, who make dangerous turning and reversing manoeuvres and contribute to congestion, cause difficulties for the majority of pupils and parents who walk or cycle to and from school.

“It is totally inappropriate to try and carry out these sorts of manoeuvres close to schools where there is a great number of schoolchildren present.

Radio Scotland had a phone-in on ELC's plans earlier today - 16th Nov 2012
Radio Scotland had a phone-in on ELC’s plans earlier today (16th Nov 2012). Just click the image above to listen now.
“Following representations from the parent councils of the three schools, it was agreed to introduce the experimental traffic regulation order. East Lothian Council may be the first council in the whole of the UK to take this 

You can read the full Scotsman report here.

On the Radio

Did you hear today’s (16th Nov 2012) Radio Scotland phone-in on this topic? If not you can still catch it using the BBC’s catch-up service for the next fortnight.

Q. What do you think of this approach? Would you welcome a ban on cars using the Glebe in Pencaitland or is it an over-reaction? Leave your comment below.


Courier reports on Pencaitland’s Maya delivering her letter to Public Consultation

Maya’s story was covered in this week’s East Lothian Courier. She represents one of a number of people, young and old, unable to use the existing pavement at the bridge to get from one side of Pencaitland to the other.

For more background read the story Parallel footpath proposal returns for more consultation and the many comments debating the pros and cons of the parallel footpath plan.

Disabled girl has path say
Click the image above to see a larger version.


Maya’s letter to the Public Consultation

One person who couldn’t attend yesterday’s public consultation was local girl Maya Coates who relies on a K-Walker for mobility.

Unfortunately, this meant she was unable to use the pavement to attend the meeting on foot and give her views on the footpath plans. Instead she came as far as she is able unaided and handed her letter to a member of the community council who passed it on to Brian Cooper from East Lothian Council.

Ralph Averbuch collects Maya's letter to give to the Public Consultation with her mum Nicola Dutton
Ralph Averbuch collects Maya’s letter to give to the Public Consultation with her mum Nicola Dutton. Photo courtesy of East Lothian Courier
Her letter:

“I am writing to you to see if it’s possible to widen the pavement on the A6093 in Pencaitland between the church and the Spar – especially the narrow bit before the bridge.

I am 12 years old and I like hanging around with my friends and going to the Spar. I have to use the K-Walker to help me walk and be independent. The pavement is so narrow that it’s not safe for me to walk on it because my walker is too wide, this means I can’t go to the shops with my friends. My sister also has a disability and loves to use her red bike, but this is too wide to fit on the pavement.

My mum says there is going to be a meeting about the narrow pavement. I hope that my views will be considered.

Thank you,


Remember, if you still want to participate because you missed the consultation and haven’t had the opportunity to air your view through other means, you can still take part in the one question survey here.


Parallel footpath proposal returns for more consultation

Villagers are to get another opportunity to express their views about Pencaitland’s narrow main-road footpath. In September, plans agreed by a range of community groups and ELC transport officials were expected to be passed by ELC Planning Committee. But Planning delayed its decision, saying it wants to ensure villagers have another chance to review the the same plans.

July 2010: Local mums highlight the dangers of the narrow main road pavement which led to the parallel footpath plan.
July 2010: Local mums highlight the dangers of the narrow main road pavement which led to the parallel footpath plan.

A letter to villagers explains that a public consultation is being offered to all interested locals in Pencaitland’s Trevelyan Hall between 2pm and 8pm on Tuesday the 30th of October. Transport officials and local councillors will be on hand to answer any questions or concerns anyone may have about the proposed parallel footpath before a final decision is taken by ELC councillors on whether to complete the partially done footpath or drop the plan with no alternative solution on offer. Can’t make it? You can still make your views known.

The plan boils down to building a wider footpath running parallel to the main road from the bridge, through church grounds and directly into the school, thus avoiding the main road pavement which is 75cm in places and too narrow for two people to pass without stepping onto the road, or to allow someone using a wheelchair or pushing many makes of baby buggy to safely get across the village on foot.


It was the footpath campaign, made up of concerned parents, dog-owners and other locals, that originally took issue with the ELC over the dangerously narrow footpath in 2008. This came to a head in February 2011 when ELC councillors and officals vetoed an earlier plan to extend the lights and widen the main road pavement.

Subsequent community talks were held at the direct request of ELC councillors. This led to the parallel footpath plan which was the end result of 18 months of discussion between members of the church, ELC transport and planning officials, ELC councillors, the Community Council and the Fatal Footpath Campaign.

Click above to view a PDF of the proposed changes

The community now has a second opportunity to review the same parallel footpath plan later this month and express a view on whether they wish to see the parallel path proceed to completion or, effectively, drop it entirely. Currently this is the only footpath plan acceptable to ELC’s transport officials.

So what’s good and bad about the parallel footpath plan which is being re-presented to members of the community on the 30th?


  • The parallel footpath provides an alternative and more direct route to and from Pencaitland Primary School.
  • It is a wider footpath which, unlike the existing pavement, can take wheelchairs and buggies.
  • It separates pedestrians from cars, buses and lorries.
  • Parking in the Carriage House car park will be improved for all users of this community facility.
  • An overflow carpark, part of the school’s existing parking, will be accessible via a footpath to church-goers, thus potentially reducing the need to park on the main road which can cause problems of its own each Sunday.
  • With a more direct and safer walking route there will be less reason to drive kids to school from Wester Pencaitland


  • This plan is more elaborate and costly than simply moving the lights and widening the footpath (though this is no longer an option open to the community after this was rejected by ELC councillors in July 2011 on the advice of transport officials).
  • Some residents of the Glebe are concerned that this plan may make parking worse in the cul de sac. (there were six objections when this plan went to planning consent).


We would encourage everyone with a view on these plans to make the time to go and see for themselves what’s being proposed and to consider what it will mean for the community as a whole. ELC officials are going to be on hand from 2pm through to 8pm to try to give everyone a chance to see, and have explained, what is being proposed.

However, if you are unable to come along on the day but want to express a view we would encourage you to leave a comment below, email us, and/or take part in our mini survey.

If you don’t see the survey question above you can click here

News Notices

Parallel footpath plans published on ELC website

Anyone interested in the recent preliminary work in and around the grounds of Pencaitland Parish Church can now view detailed planning application information on the East Lothian Council website.

These plans stem from safety concerns originating in 2008 over the narrowness of the main road footpath and are the culmination of many years of discussion and debate amongst interested parties, including the Church, the Community Council, East Lothian Council, the school, Pencaitland’s Fatal Footpath Campaign and other interested parties.

There are two applications:

  • Formation of hardstanding areas and part demolition of wall – link
  • Resurfacing of existing footpaths, formation of new footpaths, car parking area, erection of fencing, gates, wall, installation of lighting and a change of use from domestic ground to public ground and public ground to domestic ground – link

The first application relates to the creation of an opening to a wall to the eastern perimeter of the church grounds, but it is the second application where the bulk of the changes which affect the community are explained. There are a number of supporting documents — 25 in all.

Click above to view a PDF of the planned changes

A good overview of what is planned can be gained from viewing the PDF file plan of the whole section of works, running from the school car park to the east, to the stone roadbridge to the west.

Making a public comment on the plans

We would encourage everyone with a view on these plans, whether for or against, to leave a comment on the ELC website. It is only through airing your support or concerns that they can be addressed, so it is in everyone’s interest to do so.

Pencaitland Community Council
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