
ELC’s transport team recommends alternate footpath again

After the recent public consultation held in Trevelyan Hall, ELC’s Transport department has returned a recommendation to Cabinet that the plan proceed with one change – no additional car parking spaces will be added to the school.

Following a recent public consultation ELC's Transport department is recommending the footpath plan proceed minus the additional (in pink) car parking spaces at the school.
Following a recent public consultation ELC’s Transport department is recommending the footpath plan proceed minus the additional (in pink) car parking spaces at the school.
The proposals included the addition of car parking spaces in the school grounds. A number of Glebe residents, who live around the school’s entrance, were supportive of the parallel footpath but stated they felt they had to object to those current proposals as they did not wish to see further car parking spaces added to the school as part of pedestrian safety improvements.

The original intent was that these further spaces would provide additional car parking in the heart of the village which, courtesy of a new disabled access footpath between the Church, Carriage House and school, would mean that cars could utilise these facilities on evenings and weekends where required. The view was that this would alleviate parking issues on both the main road outside the church and remove the need for cars to potentially park in the Glebe.

Now, with Transport recommending the footpath proceed without the additional parking facilities for the community, it is hoped that Glebe residents’ concerns will be addressed.

The public consultation consisted of an event held in the Trevelyan Hall plus both a paper and online survey. After removing any duplicate responses the results of that process were as follows:

From the public consultation comment book:

  • 44 For the parallel footpath
  • 24 Against the parallel footpath
  • 12 Not stating a position

The online element was more emphatic:

  • 61 For the parallel footpath

There was also a door to door survey:

  • 31 for the parallel footpath Plan

In addition the Community Council received one email for the footpath plan to be completed and one against.

In summary, this meant that there were 137 in total for the parallel footpath, 25 against and 12 where a view on the footpath being completed wasn’t expressed.

Next Steps

The parallel footpath proposals are already widely supported by a number of community groups, many of whom contributed to these proposals after plans to move the lights and widen the main road pavement were rejected by the ELC.

Now that ELC’s Transport department has submitted its recommendation to cabinet, it will be debated on the 11th of December. If the recommendations of ELC’s Transport department are accepted by Cabinet it will then go before a future Planning Committee meeting for a final decision.

Update 8 March 2013

Interested parties received a letter today informing them of the Planning Committee’s decision to go ahead with the revised plan for a parallel footpath through the middle of the village, thus avoiding the narrow pavement. However, it remains unclear as to when this work will actually be completed and the alternate path usable by members of the community.


Pencaitland’s Parallel Footpath – What next?

There have been a number of people asking what happens next now that the public consultation has happened on the parallel footpath plan for Pencaitland.

A mum runs up the main road with her buggy which is too wide to fit the pavement
A mum who can’t fit her buggy on the pavement races up the road hoping the lights remain in her favour, giving her enough time to get back on the pavement where it’s widens again. Click for a larger image.
Whilst the pubic consultation took place last week, boxes have been placed in the Granny Shop, Spar and Post Office to collect views from those unable to attend that event and via the one question survey which we encourage you to complete if you haven’t expressed a view already.

Those boxes will be collected later this week and all the views expressed at the public consultation or via the online survey will then be reflected in a report which will be produced by Brian Cooper, Senior Transportation Manager at East Lothian Council, no later than the 27th of November. It will then be presented to Cabinet on the 11th of December, provisionally returning to the Planning Committee on the 8th of January.

As soon as any reports go public we will share those details via this website.


Good turnout for consultation and paper/online community survey

Whatever your view a big thanks to all those who made the effort to come along to the Public Consultation on the parallel footpath today or participated in the survey.

There was a pretty good turnout in terms of numbers at both the actual event in Trevelyan Hall and from those taking part in both the paper and online surveys.

An artist's impression of the footpath when completed going up tothe church
An artist’s impression of the footpath when completed going up to the church. Click above for a larger version.
Generally the impression was that the majority are in clear support of the footpath with the odd vehement exception.

However, Glebe residents asked the quite reasonable question of how and why the additional parking became part of the footpath plan and en-mass felt they had no choice but to object, despite not having issue with the core intent of a safer footpath.

Meantime, so far we have received 61 online and 31 written notes of support with 5 online responses against the plan .

Working with ELC officials we will now collate the rest of the comments gathered today and report back.

Remember, if you still want to participate because you missed the consultation and haven’t had the opportunity to air your view through other means, you can still take part in the one question survey here.

Results of the online survey
Results of the online survey


Campaigning for better rural transport: RELBUS regroups

RELBUS, the campaign group for better rural public transport in East Lothian, has appointed former Liberal Democrat councillor Barry Turner as Chair.

Former councillor Barry Turner is the new Chairman of RELBUS

RELBUS has been updated in the light of First Bus’s cuts in services, which forced a review of contracts for many commercial services supported by the council and a general increase in awareness of issues surrounding public transport provision. Former Dunbar councillor Jacquie Bell has also joined the RELBUS committee.

Speaking about his appointment, Barry Turner, who was Environment and Transport Convener prior to the May elections when he lost his seat said: “I am a life-long bus enthusiast and I have spent my professional and political life campaigning for better public transport. I am delighted to be asked to chair RELBUS which has an important role to play in improving accessibility for those living in East Lothian’s more remote communities and promoting alternatives to private car use. I intend to use my experience to enable RELBUS to forge better links with the council, local communities, operators and the Scottish Government and its agencies. Recent events have shown that the way public transport is currently organised is simply not sustainable. We must find new and better ways to meet diverse local travel needs.”

Early priorities for RELBUS will be to follow up ideas coming out of the recent local conference on community and supported transport, to scrutinise and constructively comment on the council’s new Local Transport Strategy and urge setting up a Bus Passenger Forum.

It will also work closely with Community Councils to achieve a better understanding of local travel needs. If anyone wants more information about RELBUS and its purpose, or wants to put forward ideas, they should contact the organisation via the website

RELBUS, short for Rural East Lothian Bus Users, is a volunteer-led group set up to campaign for better rural transport in East Lothian. RELBUS is a membership organisation and joining is free. It holds public meetings, meetings with operators and has and ongoing dialogue with local politicians of all parties and the local authority.

Pencaitland Community Council
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News Notices

East Lothian communities survey locals to assess bus needs

Following the success of the recent meeting to discuss bus service provision in the area, we have joined forces with Humbie, East & West Saltoun and Bolton, Gifford and Ormiston Community Councils to find out what local people really want from their bus service.

Click here to take part in the communities bus survey

A copy of the survey will be dropping through your letter box within the next week or so but if you prefer to register your response online, the survey can be found by clicking here.

The survey results will ultimately be presented to East Lothian Council and the service providers to help build a more efficient and effective service for local residents.

Pencaitland Community Council
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Broadband Survey Update

We would like to thank all those who have already participated in our Broadband Survey. This is in order to establish whether there is sufficient demand to investigate provision of high speed wireless broadband offering a starting speed of 20Mbps which would cover Pencaitland and other outlying rural areas and villages.

But we still need more participants in order to make the survey sample as representative as possible. If you have already taken part in the survey, please take a moment to tell your neighbours and ask them to visit this site to take part.

We’ve created a shortlink to make it easy for people to find the survey, which can be filled in at:

Meantime, here’s a snapshot of how people use the Internet in and around the village. It comes as no surprise that almost everyone uses the Internet to access email and the web, but a surprisingly high 87% also use services such as the BBC’s iPlayer catch-up service. Nearly half also upload material to services like YouTube or Flickr.

What do use broadband for?

Pencaitland Community Council
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Lothian & Borders Police public perception survey

Lothian and Borders Police would like to know your views about policing, safety and what it is like to live in your local area.

The results of this survey will help to inform policing priorities and influence how they engage with your local community in future. Many of the questions refer to your local area which, for the purpose of this survey, is considered to be the area within 15 minutes walk of your home.

Part of the 2010 Public Perception Survey for 2010 covering East Lothian - click to view

You can view the outcome of last year’s public perception survey specifically covering the area for East Lothian by clicking here [PDF].

To take part click here.