
Winton Estate plans 2nd site tour for Pencaitland community

Last December Winton Estate took members of East Lothian Council and local community leaders from Pencaitland, New Winton and Ormiston on a site visit of the estate.

The primary role of that visit was to allow the Estate to demonstrate what it currently does to generate income and discuss ideas for ways it may be extended and diversified in the future.

Ideas included the potential to revive, reinstate and redevelop existing sites such as Winton Hill to more ambitious plans to potentially generate income from sand and gravel extraction on the Estate, which then leads to leisure opportunities in creating an artificial water reserve.

Community leaders generally were open to hearing more and left heartened by the Estate enthusiasm to engage with local opinion on its plans.

A tour for the whole community

Of course, the thoughts and views of the community are not simply those held by elected councillors from East Lothian Council nor those sitting on local Community Councils. So, in an effort to reach out to the widest possible audience potentially affected by any future developments, Winton Estate is holding a further tour on the 25th of January. Below is an open invitation from owner Francis Ogilvy made to any locals living in and around Pencaitland, Boggs Holdings and district.

Francis & Dorothy Ogilvy in the grounds of Winton House and Estate
Francis & Dorothy Ogilvy in the grounds of Winton House and Estate

Please come to the Pencaitland and Winton Bowling Club next Saturday, 25th January at 1.00pm for a soup and sandwiches lunch, followed by a brief tour of Winton Estate. We shall aim to return to the Clubhouse for further refreshments and a time of discussion.

The purpose of the tour is to hear what the local community would like the adjoining Winton Estate to do in the future. It is also to share some of the estate ideas we have and to see how a process of dialogue can be taken forward to develop ideas generally. The desire is to secure mutual benefit and plan for the long term of the village and the estate where practically possible. We have already held tours for members of the community and county councils as well as other officials at national and local levels. We are now seeking to consult directly with adjacent village communities. We have met in New Winton and two tours are taking place next Saturday with Ormiston in the morning and Pencaitland in the afternoon.

This is an early stage in a consultation exercise, intended to enable myself and a community planning colleague, Nick Wright the opportunity to listen to views from the community. I have my own ideas and I shall share some of these on the day, however they are not fixed or the whole process would be nullified from the outset. Even if you are unable to attend next week, it would be appreciated if you could pass this invitation on to anyone you may consider likely to be interested to come along. I should ask, however that my colleague, Audrey Stevenson be alerted for the sake of catering and transportation as numbers are limited. Her email address is or a message can be left on the Winton phone 01875 340 222.

For transportation purposes there is a limit to how many spaces are available on the mini tour bus, so if you are interested in attending we recommend you get in touch early to secure a place.

Some facts about Winton Estate…

  • Winton Estate comprises 2,500 acres
  • Winton House is considered one of the most architecturally important buildings in the UK
  • The House is used to provide corporate and private hospitality
  • There are two self catering properties on the estate
  • It employs 34 people (half part-time) plus temporary seasonal staff
  • Farmland makes up two thirds of the estate
  • Managed woodland covers 850 acres including Saltoun Big Wood
  • 100 acres of farmland were converted back to broadleaf woodland
  • £1.25 million has been invested on the woods over the last ten years
  • There is 12 miles of pathway around the estate – The Winton Walks
  • There are 30 estate houses and cottages
  • A third of the estate houses are occupied by staff
  • Three fields next to the Tyne river on the estate contain high quality sand and gravel



Pencaitland Youth Football Club scores award

Pencaitland Youth FC has successfully been awarded the Scottish Football Association ‘Development’ Quality Mark Award.

The award is recognition from the SFA of the good practice that has been demonstrated within the Club through the promotion of safe play as well as player and volunteer development.

 Pictured: Ian Archer (Chair) and Alastair Dutton (Child Protection Officer) at Easter Road to accept the award from SFA President Campbell Ogilvie.

Pictured: Ian Archer (Chair) and Alastair Dutton (Child Protection Officer) at Easter Road to accept the award from SFA President Campbell Ogilvie.
The club is always on the look out for new kids to join or any adult helpers that are interested in getting involved with children’s football. Where appropriate the club is able to support coaches through the relevant SYFA coaching courses. After Easter 2013 Pencaitland Youth Football Club will be opening to P1 girls and boys. To register your child or to find our more please email

Pencaitland Football Club was established in 1993 and include Ormiston and surrounding areas. The club currently have over 90 girls and boys registered from P2 to P6, taking part in weekly coaching sessions and regional leagues. More details can be found on the PYFC website.


Ormiston church packed for Bill’s funeral

Bill Wise's sad death is reported in this week's East Lothian Courier
Bill Wise’s sad death is reported in this week’s East Lothian Courier. Click to read the story
Bill Wise’s funeral took place yesterday at Ormiston Parish Church with Minister David Torrance taking the service.

If an indication were needed of how well liked Bill was, then the packed church, with people standing in every available space, spoke volumes.

A number of Pencaitlanders made it along to pay their respects as well as Bill’s large family and many friends from Ormiston, where he lived most of his life.

Events News

Lollipop man Bill’s funeral set for Wed 26th

August 2009 and Bill Wise looks on as Sally Averbuch attempts to work out which way she is meant to be going...
August 2009 and Bill Wise looks on as Sally Averbuch attempts to work out which way she is meant to be going…
The sad news of local lollipop man Bill Wise’s sudden death last weekend shocked many Pencaitland villagers who got to know him well over the years.

We can now report that his funeral will take place this coming Wednesday at Ormiston Parish Church. Minister David Torrance will be taking the service which begins at 10am.

You can read earlier messages of condolence on our previous story under comments.


One Pencaitland bus timetable to rule them all (for now)

Local man Barry Hutton has been putting in some time to pull together a unified Bus Timetable for all services coming through Pencaitland. Here it is…

Pencaitland Unified Timetables - produced by Barry Hutton, June 2012 - click for PDF version

One of the challenges for anyone using more than one bus is knowing what time a service is due to arrive or depart from a given location and how much of a window this provides to change from one bus to the next. In putting together the following timetable, local man Barry Hutton has tried to pull together all the disparate details from various bus companies that pass through Pencaitland, in order to make it just that little bit easier to work out what’s due where and when.

We have created two versions. You can view and download the timetables in either DOC format or PDF.

Our thanks to Barry for putting in the hours to make this happen.


Pencaitland has joined forces with Humbie, East & West Saltoun and Bolton, Gifford and Ormiston Community Councils to find out what you want from the bus service. Register your views online now.


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RELBUS proposes bus users charter for East Lothian

RELBUS, short for Rural East Lothian Bus Users, is seeking the views of bus users in developing an East Lothian Bus Passenger Charter. Got ideas on what you’d like to see in it?

RELBUS proposes bus passenger charter - click to give your views

The Bus Passenger Charter would be a list of commitments that each bus operator would attempt to meet. RELBUS are suggesting the commitments would cover at minimum fare structure, timetables and route information, plus related publicity material including information at bus stops and on buses.

But RELBUS suggest it could go beyond the basics to include commitments to accessibility and possibly a set of standards of service such as, for example, punctuality over and above any statutory obligations. Changes to timetables might also involve prior passenger consultation.

As RELBUS’s Philip Immirzi explains, “We aren’t starting from a completely blank sheet, as I found this over at the Bus Users UK website, but what do others think should be in the East Lothian Bus Passenger Charter?”

If you would like to offer your own thoughts, please visit the RELBUS website and leave your comments.

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113 bus timetable published but some commuters unhappy

The new East Lothian Bus timetable for the 113 route can now be viewed here [PDF]. However, initial reaction has not all been positive.

Is the new East Lothian Bus 113 Timetable going to work for you? Click to view [PDF]

According to commuters who regularly use the current service, buses used to leave from Pencaitland roughly 20 minutes past the hour and this broadly worked for those that hadn’t already given up on using First Bus or were driving to Tranent to catch a bus in to town.

However, according to the newly published timetable the 113 will leave at erratic times beginning at 6.35am, 7am, 7.25am, then nothing for an hour and twenty minutes when there is an 8.45am bus. It then runs hourly thereafter.

According to some commuters this is not optimal and they would prefer buses that operate at 6.20am, 7.20am and 8.20am from Pencaitland.

If you use the current First bus service, or would like to use the new East Lothian Bus from June and have concerns over the timetable contact customer services.

According to the East Lothian Bus website, “Your first point of contact is our dedicated Customer Services team – give us a call on 0131 554 4494 and select option 2. Most comments and queries can be dealt with immediately over the phone, however occasionally we’ll need to investigate your comment which can take a little longer. Our Customer Services department is open to calls from Monday to Friday (excluding public holidays); 08:30 to 17:00 and all calls may be recorded for training and monitoring purposes.

BUS SURVEY: Pencaitland has joined forces with Humbie, East & West Saltoun and Bolton, Gifford and Ormiston Community Councils to find out what you want from the bus service. Register your views online now.

East Lothian Bus Update: the 113 & 44 routes

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The clash of profit-driven bus routes v local public service

Local man Barry Hutton, recently wrote a comment for ‘Local Transport Today‘ with the title “Bus services can be profitable, or policy tools, but not both”. Given the recent brouhaha on our buses in East Lothian we’re reproducing his piece below.

Detailed analysis of Your report that East Lothian Council is considering setting up an arms-length company to operate bus services to replace those being withdrawn by FirstBus hides fundamental discontinuities between government policy and transport planning practice that are far from being confined to East Lothian. The Scottish Government, in common with the English, has adopted policies on climate change, on reducing CO2, on reducing car traffic and on tackling congestion, policies which rest in large part upon greater use of public transport. Those policies are echoed in the statutory Lothians Structure Plan, in the East Lothian Local Plan and by the South-east Scotland Transport Partnership.

A major issue at the Public Inquiry into the East Lothian Local Plan was a proposal to build upwards of 750 houses on the western flank of Haddington, the administrative centre of East Lothian, about 25km to the east of Edinburgh. This would swell the town’s population of 8,800 by about 25% and generate around an extra 2,000 journey-to-work/school trips per day.


East Lothian Bus Update: the 113 & 44 routes

The new 113 timetable is now available on the TraveLine website as timetable BAO113.pdf. It was temporarily down when checked today however.

Lothian Bus has started drip-feeding details of timetables to the Traveline website

It is believed the intention is to work the 113 route with single deckers based out of Marine garage, operated by a Lothian Buses subsidiary, East Lothian Buses.

There is an East Lothian Buses website detailing the timetables and fare structure for the new 113 route which runs to/from Pencaitland to the Western General Hospital starting 11th June. It assumes a travel time of about one hour and 15 minutes from Easter Pencaitland to George St.

There’s a leaflet you can view here [PDF]. Residents beyond Tranent will be charged a day ticket price of £5, with kids at £3. This is £1.50 and £1 more respectively than the equivalent costs to/from Tranent. For an additional 2 miles on the route this does seem disproportionate. On the plus side, East Lothian Buses day tickets are also valid on Lothian Bus routes and services.

The cheapest option is the East Lothian Bus Ridacard. Like the Lothian Bus version, it permits unlimited travel on Lothian Buses and the AIRLINK service. Assuming 261 workdays (Mon – Fri) the daily cost works out at just under £3.22. Full details on Ridacard costs for students and children can be found in the leaflet above.

The new Lothian Buses 44 timetable is also on the TraveLine site and says it serves Pencaitland but the detail so far omits stop locations out to the villages of Ormiston and Pencaitland. We understand that Lothian buses may still make further alterations to the final timetable that comes into force when the company takes over the route from First Bus in June.

As we learn more detail we will share it with you…

BUS SURVEY: Pencaitland has joined forces with Humbie, East & West Saltoun and Bolton, Gifford and Ormiston Community Councils to find out what you want from the bus service. Register your views online now.

Pencaitland Community Council
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Meeting reveals more details on East Lothian bus routes

A special meeting of the Association of East Lothian Community Councils (AELCC) devoted most of its agenda to discussing recent changes in the provision of public transport.

More details have emerged on what services will actually be in operation from June 2012.

Community Councils from across the county gathered in Haddington to hear from Ian Dalgleish, Manager of Transportation Services, that:

  • The 44B to Pencaitland is to be replaced by a 113 going a revised route Pencaitland – Ormiston – Western General.
  • The flat fare structure will not apply (contrary to what Paul McLennan said at the 2 May Public Meeting in Trevelyan Hall, Pencaitland).
  • The X13 Express service will be discontinued (again contrary to expectations).

Ian Dalgleish is waiting for details of timetables and fares, and these will be issued in a press release as soon as the details are known (He hopes early next week).

For the full report from Pencaitland Community Council’s representatives at the meeting click here [PDF].

Many thanks to Phil Summerfield for putting together the report.

BUS SURVEY: Pencaitland has joined forces with Humbie, East & West Saltoun and Bolton, Gifford and Ormiston Community Councils to find out what you want from the bus service. Register your views online now.

Pencaitland Community Council
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