
Courier covers Sunday Litter Pick

The Courier featured a picture and short story in this week's paper on last Sunday's Litter Pick, which enjoyed the biggest turn-out to date.
The Courier featured a picture and short story in this week’s paper on last Sunday’s Litter Pick, which enjoyed the biggest turn-out to date. Click above for full story.


Great turnout at Pencaitland’s Litter Pick doubles volume of junk

It was touch & go but in the end the Sun shone down on Pencaitland’s army of litter pickers who scoured the streets & pathways for a record rubbish haul.

Just some of the kids who helped make the 2013 Litter Pick a success with the pile of litter collected continuing to swell throughout a fine sunny afternoon. Click the photo for more pictures.
Just some of the kids who helped make the 2013 Litter Pick a success with the pile of litter collected continuing to swell throughout a fine sunny afternoon. Click the photo for more pictures.
With the recent hard to predict weather we have been encountering it was anyone’s guess as to how many would choose to venture out to spend a few hours helping clean up their community. In the end any doubts were quickly dispelled when around 60 kids turned up, either with family or with one of a number of community groups, including Cubs, Beavers, Rainbows, Pencaitland Youth Football Club and Guides. Then there was a strong cohort of parents and other adults along to help out making it a community-wide affair, covering all ages and backgrounds.

The Community Council would like to say a huge thank you to all those who took part in today’s event. In addition to the usual well-trodden routes, with such a good turnout we were able to cover far more ground which resulted in a significant increase in the amount finally collected. It’s estimated that the volume of litter bagged is around double the amount retrieved at last year’s event.

Many thanks also to Pencaitland Primary for putting together some fantastic posters publicising the event.

Amongst the flotsam found:

  • Two Wooly hats
  • Three single gloves
  • Three wellies
  • Four car hubs
  • Many many plastic and glass bottles and aluminium cans.
  • A pair of jeans
  • Underpants
  • A hoodie
  • A truck mud guard

You can see photos from today’s event below. Anyone wishing to have an original copy should email


Pencaitland Youth Football Club scores award

Pencaitland Youth FC has successfully been awarded the Scottish Football Association ‘Development’ Quality Mark Award.

The award is recognition from the SFA of the good practice that has been demonstrated within the Club through the promotion of safe play as well as player and volunteer development.

 Pictured: Ian Archer (Chair) and Alastair Dutton (Child Protection Officer) at Easter Road to accept the award from SFA President Campbell Ogilvie.

Pictured: Ian Archer (Chair) and Alastair Dutton (Child Protection Officer) at Easter Road to accept the award from SFA President Campbell Ogilvie.
The club is always on the look out for new kids to join or any adult helpers that are interested in getting involved with children’s football. Where appropriate the club is able to support coaches through the relevant SYFA coaching courses. After Easter 2013 Pencaitland Youth Football Club will be opening to P1 girls and boys. To register your child or to find our more please email

Pencaitland Football Club was established in 1993 and include Ormiston and surrounding areas. The club currently have over 90 girls and boys registered from P2 to P6, taking part in weekly coaching sessions and regional leagues. More details can be found on the PYFC website.


PYFC Lads & Dads Day… and Mums and Sisters too

Pencaitland Youth Football Club rounded off the end of season with a big kick about back at Haddington’s astroturf playing field. Here are some pictures from the day…

Pencaitland Community Council
Follow Pencaitland community council on Twitter


PYFC at Haddington Tournament

Last weekend saw Pencaitland Youth Football Club playing in a mini tournament on the new astro turf pitch in Haddington. Some pictures from the day are captured below.

Pencaitland Community Council
Follow Pencaitland community council on Twitter


Pencaitland Youth Football Club Open Day – 6 August

Ian Archer and the team behind the Pencaitland Youth Football Club are running an open day for new kids wanting to take part.

As Ian explains, “I’m sure you are missing your fix of football on a Saturday morning so luckily, ahead of the new season starting when the school summer holidays are over, we are having an open day to encourage more kids born in 2004/2005 to join the club.

New PYFC trials - 6 August 2011

Hopefully many of the current squads can come along and show the newcomers how it is done. We’ll have the usual mix of fun games and 4v4 matches.

Hope to see you and your kids on the 6th – note starts at 10am, not our usual 9am start.”

So if you have a boy or girl born on 2004 & 2005 come along to a fun morning of soccer 4’s on Saturday 6 August 2011 from 10am to 12 noon at Pencaitland Park.

PYFC aims to have the new 2005 age group up and running from 20 August and also has additional spaces in its 2001 & 2003 age groups. If you are interested in finding out more about these age groups, please contact Jim.

To confirm your place please contact Jim McAvoy at or phone 07896 244 207.

For more information on the club, please visit the website


PYFC takes part in Aberlady Tournament

Well done to the trainers and the teams behind the Pencaitland Youth Football Club Under 8s who had a fantastic run, one team winning all the games they played. You can see photos from the event below.

It was a friendly competition with many other winners on the day. Congratulations to everyone who took part.