It was touch & go but in the end the Sun shone down on Pencaitland’s army of litter pickers who scoured the streets & pathways for a record rubbish haul.
With the recent hard to predict weather we have been encountering it was anyone’s guess as to how many would choose to venture out to spend a few hours helping clean up their community. In the end any doubts were quickly dispelled when around 60 kids turned up, either with family or with one of a number of community groups, including Cubs, Beavers, Rainbows, Pencaitland Youth Football Club and Guides. Then there was a strong cohort of parents and other adults along to help out making it a community-wide affair, covering all ages and backgrounds.
The Community Council would like to say a huge thank you to all those who took part in today’s event. In addition to the usual well-trodden routes, with such a good turnout we were able to cover far more ground which resulted in a significant increase in the amount finally collected. It’s estimated that the volume of litter bagged is around double the amount retrieved at last year’s event.
Many thanks also to Pencaitland Primary for putting together some fantastic posters publicising the event.
Amongst the flotsam found:
- Two Wooly hats
- Three single gloves
- Three wellies
- Four car hubs
- Many many plastic and glass bottles and aluminium cans.
- A pair of jeans
- Underpants
- A hoodie
- A truck mud guard
You can see photos from today’s event below. Anyone wishing to have an original copy should email
378 replies on “Great turnout at Pencaitland’s Litter Pick doubles volume of junk”
Cousland liked this on Facebook.
But well done to all taking part in the clean up!
Isn’t it weird – we have that too – just outside the village where no one lives more than 10 minutes away…………..un-savoury to say the least!
It’s also worth highlighting that a number of groups going around Pencaitland and Boggs Holdings independently commented on the large number of plastic bags found thrown into bushes with dog poo in them. Understandably this seems a very odd thing to do. Why would a dog owner take the time and effort to clean up after their animal only to then throw the bag of dog poo into the bushes? Please put it in a bin…
Tom Simpson liked this on Facebook.
Ann Ashaye liked this on Facebook.
RT @pencaitlandcc: Great turnout at #Pencaitland Litter Pick doubles junk pile. @elcourier @newseastlothian @cleanup…