
Winton Estate plans 2nd site tour for Pencaitland community

Last December Winton Estate took members of East Lothian Council and local community leaders from Pencaitland, New Winton and Ormiston on a site visit of the estate.

The primary role of that visit was to allow the Estate to demonstrate what it currently does to generate income and discuss ideas for ways it may be extended and diversified in the future.

Ideas included the potential to revive, reinstate and redevelop existing sites such as Winton Hill to more ambitious plans to potentially generate income from sand and gravel extraction on the Estate, which then leads to leisure opportunities in creating an artificial water reserve.

Community leaders generally were open to hearing more and left heartened by the Estate enthusiasm to engage with local opinion on its plans.

A tour for the whole community

Of course, the thoughts and views of the community are not simply those held by elected councillors from East Lothian Council nor those sitting on local Community Councils. So, in an effort to reach out to the widest possible audience potentially affected by any future developments, Winton Estate is holding a further tour on the 25th of January. Below is an open invitation from owner Francis Ogilvy made to any locals living in and around Pencaitland, Boggs Holdings and district.

Francis & Dorothy Ogilvy in the grounds of Winton House and Estate
Francis & Dorothy Ogilvy in the grounds of Winton House and Estate

Please come to the Pencaitland and Winton Bowling Club next Saturday, 25th January at 1.00pm for a soup and sandwiches lunch, followed by a brief tour of Winton Estate. We shall aim to return to the Clubhouse for further refreshments and a time of discussion.

The purpose of the tour is to hear what the local community would like the adjoining Winton Estate to do in the future. It is also to share some of the estate ideas we have and to see how a process of dialogue can be taken forward to develop ideas generally. The desire is to secure mutual benefit and plan for the long term of the village and the estate where practically possible. We have already held tours for members of the community and county councils as well as other officials at national and local levels. We are now seeking to consult directly with adjacent village communities. We have met in New Winton and two tours are taking place next Saturday with Ormiston in the morning and Pencaitland in the afternoon.

This is an early stage in a consultation exercise, intended to enable myself and a community planning colleague, Nick Wright the opportunity to listen to views from the community. I have my own ideas and I shall share some of these on the day, however they are not fixed or the whole process would be nullified from the outset. Even if you are unable to attend next week, it would be appreciated if you could pass this invitation on to anyone you may consider likely to be interested to come along. I should ask, however that my colleague, Audrey Stevenson be alerted for the sake of catering and transportation as numbers are limited. Her email address is or a message can be left on the Winton phone 01875 340 222.

For transportation purposes there is a limit to how many spaces are available on the mini tour bus, so if you are interested in attending we recommend you get in touch early to secure a place.

Some facts about Winton Estate…

  • Winton Estate comprises 2,500 acres
  • Winton House is considered one of the most architecturally important buildings in the UK
  • The House is used to provide corporate and private hospitality
  • There are two self catering properties on the estate
  • It employs 34 people (half part-time) plus temporary seasonal staff
  • Farmland makes up two thirds of the estate
  • Managed woodland covers 850 acres including Saltoun Big Wood
  • 100 acres of farmland were converted back to broadleaf woodland
  • £1.25 million has been invested on the woods over the last ten years
  • There is 12 miles of pathway around the estate – The Winton Walks
  • There are 30 estate houses and cottages
  • A third of the estate houses are occupied by staff
  • Three fields next to the Tyne river on the estate contain high quality sand and gravel



Pencaitland Community seeks new Secretary

Due to a change of circumstances the Community Council’s Secretary, Susan Spilsbury, has had to step down from her role.

Due to a change in circumstance Susan Spilsbury has to step down as Pencaitland's Community Council Secretary.
Due to a change in circumstance Susan Spilsbury has to step down as Pencaitland’s Community Council Secretary
This means your Community Council is on the lookout for someone able to take on the post. It includes a modest allowance.

Pencaitland Community Council, which also covers Boggs Holdings, New Winton and Peastonbank/Glenkinchie, represents your local community, seeking to liaise with other local bodies and East Lothian Council. This includes ten Community Council meetings a year which usually take place on the last Wednesday evening of the month.

The role itself involves minuting the Community Council’s ten meetings and managing and re-distributing correspondence. This is increasingly via email. You can see a recent example of the Community Council’s minutes here.

In recent years the Community Council has made much greater use of the web and social media to update the local population of news and events. In addition to on the web, the Community Council can be found on both Facebook and Twitter. Whilst not part of the post, training will be given to any Secretary interested in this area.

If you would like to know more about what’s involved please contact Susan Spilsbury to discuss the role. Susan steps down shortly but would be delighted to tell those interested in the post about what’s involved. She can be contacted initially by emailing

minutes News

Pencaitland Community Council Minutes for February & March 2013

image copyright photo extremist at Flickr for Pencaitland Community Council’s February and March 2013 meetings can now be found online.

Since moving to its new home on all recent and future Community Council minutes can be found on the web thanks to Google Drive.

To view all minutes for 2013 or earlier just click this link. To save a copy of any minutes, view the document in your browser and select the option FILE >> DOWNLOAD.

February 2013 Minutes | March 2013 Minutes | Recent Pencaitland Community Council Minutes

Much earlier minutes can be found here.


Pencaitland Community Council Minutes for January 2013

image copyright photo extremist at Flickr for Pencaitland Community Council’s January 2013 meeting can now be found online.

Since moving to its new home on all recent and future Community Council minutes can be found on the web thanks to Google Drive.

To view all minutes for 2013 or earlier just click this link. To save a copy of any minutes, view the document in your browser and select the option FILE >> DOWNLOAD.

January 2013 Minutes | Recent Pencaitland Community Council Minutes

Much earlier minutes can be found here.


Need a snow shovel? Call your Community Council

If you’re caught under a blanket of snow in or around Pencaitland you can borrow a snow shovel from your local Community Council. Just give us a call.

Give me the child from the age of seven and I shall show you the snow shoveller!
Give me the child from the age of seven and I shall show you the snow shoveller!
Right now the snow is pelting down on cold Pencaitland ground. If it keeps up there is a good chance that there will be a lot more shovelling required to get cars in and out of drives, or just yourself in and out of the front door.

Fortunately you can now borrow a snow shovel by calling community councillors Ralph Averbuch on 01875 340 641 or Lynn Donohoe on 341 715, ideally during the day. You do not need to leave a deposit — just your name and a means of contact. All equipment can be collected from Trevelyan Hall by arrangement with either community councillor.

All we ask is that borrowed snow shovels are returned once the snow has passed, so it can be stored for future community use.

REMINDER: Be prepared this winter

It doesn’t take much to be ready if the weather does turn out to be as harsh as it has been in recent memory. You can get plenty of advice online by visiting the Ready Scotland website. It offers specific advice for being prepared for a winter at home.


Scoop up a snow shovel this winter

A few years ago Pencaitland Community Council received a batch of snow shovels from the Council. If the snow does come down in buckets you can borrow one.

I'm NOT dreaming of an overly white Xmas this winter! But if it is...
I’m NOT dreaming of an overly white Xmas this winter! But if it is…
In the event that the white stuff comes down like the winters of 2009/2010, you can now borrow a shovel by calling community councillor Lynn Donohoe on 341 715, ideally during the day. You do not need to leave a deposit — just your name and a means of contact.

But we do ask that any borrowed equipment is returned once any snow has finally melted, so it can then be stored for community use in future winters.

Just in case anyone fails to recall what the snow was like in recent years, here’s a small reminder (right) of not just how long the cold spell lasted but the volume of snow that fell.

Be prepared this winter

It doesn’t take much to be ready if the weather does turn out to be as harsh as it has been in recent memory. You can get plenty of advice online by visiting the Ready Scotland website. It offers specific advice for being prepared for a winter at home.


Pencaitland Community Council’s new Secretary

We are delighted to report that recent efforts to fill the vacancy for a new person to take on the role of Community Council Secretary were successful. The community’s new Secretary is Susan Spilsbury.

Susan Spilsbury joins Pencaitland Community Council as its Secretary.
Susan Spilsbury joins Pencaitland Community Council as its Secretary.
Recently the post of Community Council Secretary became vacant when long-time Community Councillor, and Secretary for the last twelve months, Nicky Neighbour stepped down from her role after many years of great service.

Fortunately for the Community Council Susan saw the recently advertised position in Pencaet News, the local church’s newsletter, and got in touch to offer her services.

Amongst other things Susan is currently a volunteer for Pencaitland Day Centre and as Committee Secretary for the older people. In her 16 years living in Pencaitland, Susan has also been involved in the Mothers & Toddler Group (Secretary), Playgroup (Treasurer then Playleader), Rainbows (Leader), Operation Christmas Child (Local Organiser)and Pencaitland Church (Sunday Club Leader).

Susan can be contacted on the email Further information on all members of Pencaitland Community Council can be found on the Members page.

Want to get involved?

We are searching for new blood to join the team. We need more voices on issues which directly affect you and your local environment. If you care about local matters then take the next step – come along to your local community council and see if you’d like to become a co-opted member.

Interested? Next Steps

Want to know more? Contact the current Community Council Chair, Ralph Averbuch, on 01875 340 641 or 07920 094 923 to discuss how you can get involved. Or you can email

This is your chance to represent your local community and directly affect the way it develops in the future. Come along and be part of the team.


Pencaitland Community seeks council secretary

Nicky Neighbour steps down after many years, as both a Community Councillor and in the last year as Secretary, on the 4th of October.
Nicky Neighbour steps down after many years, as both a Community Councillor and in the last year as Secretary, on the 4th of October.
Pencaitland Community Council, which covers Boggs Holdings, New Winton and Peastonbank/Glenkinchie, is seeking a person to take on the role of Community Council Secretary. The post includes a modest financial allowance.

Pencaitland Community Council represents the local community, seeking to liaise with other local bodies and East Lothian Council. This includes ten Community Council meetings a year which usually take place on the last Wednesday evening of the month.

The role involves minuting the Community Council’s ten meetings and managing and re-distributing correspondence. This is increasingly delivered via email. You can see a recent example of the Community Council’s minutes here.

In the last year the Community Council has made much greater use of the web and social media to update the local population of news and events. As well as this website, the Community Council can be found on both Facebook and Twitter. Whilst not part of the post, training will be given to any Secretary interested in this area.

If you would like to know more about what’s involved please contact the current Secretary Nicky Neighbour. Nicky steps down on the 4th of October but would be delighted to tell those interested in the post about what’s involved. She can be contacted on 01875 340 115 or by emailing


And finally, we’d like to say a big thank you to Nicky for her many years of involvement both as a community council member and, in the last year, as our Secretary. She will be sorely missed.

Pencaitland Community Council
Follow Pencaitland Community Council on Twitter


Provisional broadband stats reported in local press

The local media recently picked up on some of the preliminary statistics coming out of the Broadband Working Group’s efforts to find out how people feel about current local provision of broadband service.

Click this image to read the article from East Lothian News
Click the image above to read the article from East Lothian News

The Broadband Working Group has been exploring practical solutions for bringing high-speed wireless broadband service to this part of East Lothian, in conjunction with the existing development of a working system by Lothian Broadband — a co-operative company set up to introduce a wireless 20Mbps service to a large geographical area roughly south of Haddington.

Extending this service to Pencaitland would deliver a similar speed of service, eventually with the potential to rise to 50Mbps, whether uploading or downloading from the internet.

If you haven’t had a chance to take the short survey please do so now. Your views will help inform any final decision your Community Council takes on an independent solution to rural broadband provision.

Pencaitland Community Council
Follow Pencaitland community council on Twitter


Pencaitland Community Council – AGM

The Annual General Meeting of the Community Council will be held on Wednesday, 26 October 2011 in the Trevelyan Hall at 7.30pm


  1. Apologies
  2. Election of Office Bearers
  3. Minutes of last AGM
  4. Annual Report
  5. Financial Statement


A normal business meeting will follow after the AGM