
Need a snow shovel? Call your Community Council

If you’re caught under a blanket of snow in or around Pencaitland you can borrow a snow shovel from your local Community Council. Just give us a call.

Give me the child from the age of seven and I shall show you the snow shoveller!
Give me the child from the age of seven and I shall show you the snow shoveller!
Right now the snow is pelting down on cold Pencaitland ground. If it keeps up there is a good chance that there will be a lot more shovelling required to get cars in and out of drives, or just yourself in and out of the front door.

Fortunately you can now borrow a snow shovel by calling community councillors Ralph Averbuch on 01875 340 641 or Lynn Donohoe on 341 715, ideally during the day. You do not need to leave a deposit — just your name and a means of contact. All equipment can be collected from Trevelyan Hall by arrangement with either community councillor.

All we ask is that borrowed snow shovels are returned once the snow has passed, so it can be stored for future community use.

REMINDER: Be prepared this winter

It doesn’t take much to be ready if the weather does turn out to be as harsh as it has been in recent memory. You can get plenty of advice online by visiting the Ready Scotland website. It offers specific advice for being prepared for a winter at home.


Snow shovel lending service this winter

You may have already read in Pencaet News that your Community Council has a supply of snow shovels should snowy weather return this winter.

Nothing is melting as it's just way too cold.

In the event that snow does return, you can now borrow a shovel supplied by East Lothian Council to the community by calling 340 641 or 340 115. You do not need to leave a deposit — just your name and a means of contact.

But we do ask that any borrowed equipment is returned once any snow has finally melted, so it can then be stored for community use in future winters.

And just in case anyone fails to recall what the weather was like last year, here’s a small reminder of not just how long the cold spell lasted but the volume of snow that fell, lasting from the end of November 2010 well into January 2011.

Pencaitland Community Council
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