
Expect significant disruption from showers later this afternoon & evening

This afternoon will see heavy and isolated quite intense showers develop across East Lothian. These are expected to start after lunchtime and continue into the early evening.

A new flood alert for the lothians was issued
A new flood alert for the Lothians was issued
These showers may lead to some minor surface water problems and could lead to travel disruption and ponding of lying water in known trouble spots.

Due to the intensity and local nature of the showers smaller watercourses may see some flooding issues.

According to the Scottish Environment Protection Agency people should, “remain vigilant and remember, it is your responsibility to take actions which help protect yourself and your property. Advice and information is available through Floodline on 0845 9881188”.

Keep your community informed

If you have to travel and spot a dangerous section of road please tweet details to @pencaitlandcc or to the Pencaitland Facebook page. This way the information will automatically be passed on to others.

Example Twitter message:

@pencaitlandcc Bend of A6093 coming into Wester #Pencaitland water over both lanes on final bend. #flood #eastlothian

You can use the same text whether sending to Twitter or posting to Facebook or Google+… whichever you prefer.

the # symbol is often placed in front of keywords on Twitter in order to help people discover relevant updates. If you have room, by adding #eastlothian and #flood to your message it is more likely to be found by those looking for information on areas under water around in the county. Try to be specific, using, for example, #ormiston or #pencaitland hash tags to help geographically pinpoint where the problem is.


Need a snow shovel? Call your Community Council

If you’re caught under a blanket of snow in or around Pencaitland you can borrow a snow shovel from your local Community Council. Just give us a call.

Give me the child from the age of seven and I shall show you the snow shoveller!
Give me the child from the age of seven and I shall show you the snow shoveller!
Right now the snow is pelting down on cold Pencaitland ground. If it keeps up there is a good chance that there will be a lot more shovelling required to get cars in and out of drives, or just yourself in and out of the front door.

Fortunately you can now borrow a snow shovel by calling community councillors Ralph Averbuch on 01875 340 641 or Lynn Donohoe on 341 715, ideally during the day. You do not need to leave a deposit — just your name and a means of contact. All equipment can be collected from Trevelyan Hall by arrangement with either community councillor.

All we ask is that borrowed snow shovels are returned once the snow has passed, so it can be stored for future community use.

REMINDER: Be prepared this winter

It doesn’t take much to be ready if the weather does turn out to be as harsh as it has been in recent memory. You can get plenty of advice online by visiting the Ready Scotland website. It offers specific advice for being prepared for a winter at home.


Scoop up a snow shovel this winter

A few years ago Pencaitland Community Council received a batch of snow shovels from the Council. If the snow does come down in buckets you can borrow one.

I'm NOT dreaming of an overly white Xmas this winter! But if it is...
I’m NOT dreaming of an overly white Xmas this winter! But if it is…
In the event that the white stuff comes down like the winters of 2009/2010, you can now borrow a shovel by calling community councillor Lynn Donohoe on 341 715, ideally during the day. You do not need to leave a deposit — just your name and a means of contact.

But we do ask that any borrowed equipment is returned once any snow has finally melted, so it can then be stored for community use in future winters.

Just in case anyone fails to recall what the snow was like in recent years, here’s a small reminder (right) of not just how long the cold spell lasted but the volume of snow that fell.

Be prepared this winter

It doesn’t take much to be ready if the weather does turn out to be as harsh as it has been in recent memory. You can get plenty of advice online by visiting the Ready Scotland website. It offers specific advice for being prepared for a winter at home.

News Notices

Flood alert for the Lothians

We’ve received notice of a new flood alert from Scotish Environment Protection Agency covering East Lothian.

A new flood alert for the lothians was issued
A new flood alert for the Lothians was issued
“A spell of wet and windy weather is expected throughout the region on Thursday. There is a risk of surface water flooding in built up areas and on the road network. There is also a risk of flooding from rivers and small watercourses. SEPA will continue to monitor the situation and further updates will be issued as necessary. The worst of the rain is expected to clear by Thursday evening.”

Keep your community informed

If you have to travel and spot a dangerous section of road please tweet details to @pencaitlandcc or to the Pencaitland Facebook page. This way the information will automatically be passed on to others.

Example Twitter message:

@pencaitlandcc Bend of A6093 coming into Wester #Pencaitland water over both lanes on final bend. #flood #eastlothian

You can use the same text whether sending to Twitter or posting to Facebook or Google+… whichever you prefer.

the # symbol is often placed in front of keywords on Twitter in order to help people discover relevant updates. If you have room, by adding #eastlothian and #flood to your message it is more likely to be found by those looking for information on areas under water around in the county. Try to be specific, using, for example, #ormiston or #pencaitland hash tags to help geographically pinpoint where the problem is.


New flood warnings issued – Share your knowledge

flood alert logoWe have recent video of flooding in Pencaitland plus fresh reports that further floods may occur today. If you spot problems tell others. Here’s how…

If you plan to travel today and spot a flooded section of road please tweet details to @pencaitlandcc or to the Pencaitland Facebook page. This way the information will automatically be passed on to others.

Twitter example message:

@pencaitlandcc Bend of A6093 coming into Wester #Pencaitland flooded both lanes on final bend. #flood #eastlothian

You can use the same text whether sending to Twitter or posting to Facebook or Google+… whichever is your preferred social tool of choice.

the # symbol is often placed in front of keywords on Twitter in order to help people discover relevant updates. If you have room, by adding #eastlothian and #flood to your message it is more likely to be found by those looking for information on floods in the county. Try to be specific, using, for example, #ormiston or #pencaitland hash tags to help geographically pinpoint where the problem is.


Here’s the latest from the Scottish Environment Protection Agency:

“A FLOOD ALERT has been issued for Edinburgh and Lothians.

A period of heavy and persistent rain is forecast to affect the area on Thursday through until Friday. Flooding to low lying areas from rivers and small watercourses is possible. The intensity of the rain may also cause some surface water flooding, particularly in built up areas or on low lying roads. SEPA will continue to monitor the situation and further updates will be provided when new information becomes available.”


More heavy rain was predicted over night and we got it. So much so, that the notorious final bends into the western edge of the village of Pencaitland were already half flooded with run off from the neighbouring field. (Can’t see the video below? Go to Pencaitland Community on YouTube.)

We recently saw the Tyne burst its banks at Pencaitland and it’s done it again today. But the problems will be more acute for Haddington further downstream which already suffered flooding during the last heavy downpour. (Can’t see the video below? Go to Pencaitland Community on YouTube.)


Swollen Tyne bursts banks in Pencaitland (Video)

The Tyne bursts its banks at Pencaitland
The Tyne bursts its banks at Pencaitland
After a night of high winds and incessant rain it was little surprise that the river Tyne at Pencaitland once again broke its banks with the swell.

In just a few hours the river went from a gentle and shallow meandering stream into a swollen muddy mass of water. This has become a fairly regular occurrence in recent years leaving parts of the river pathway annually inundated and weakening the river bank.

However, it is Haddington, further downstream which is currently under threat from the swelling waters of the Tyne. Further details on the situation can be found by checking the Scottish Environment Protection Agency’s updates page for the Lothians.

Having trouble viewing the video? See it on the Pencaitland channel on Youtube.


East Lothian Council’s flood advice

With the spate of what can at times seem like endless amounts of rain over East Lothian, we thought we’d reproduce this handy advice on flooding from ELC. Hopefully it will not be needed any time soon.

What information is available if there is flooding in the area?

Flood Ahead signSEPA (Scottish Environment Protection Agency) runs FLOODLINE, the recorded telephone and website service that provides information on the latest risk of river and coastal flooding in Scotland.

The FLOODLINE number is 0845 988 1188 and callers to that number can hear Flood Alerts or Warnings in force for their area, telling them when potential flooding is forecast, as well as general advice on how to prepare for, or cope with flooding.

You can also sign up to the Floodline service, so when SEPA issues a Flood Alert or Warning for your area you can receive it directly to your phone via text message or voicemail, giving you time to take action.

For more info about how to prepare for severe weather and coping during it, visit Ready Scotland

Flood prevention

Householders are reminded that it is their responsibility to make sure they have their own floodwater prevention equipment such as sandbags and floodgates. These can be bought from DIY stores.

More information is available on the SEPA website at Be Flood Prepared.


flood alert logo

Take extra care if you have to cross deep or fast flowing water which can hide other dangers or be contaminated and dangerous to health. Don’t allow pets to drink or play in it and wash your hands if you come into contact with the water.

Concern for the community

Try and be a good neighbour. Keep an eye on those around you, particularly older people, and anyone with disabilities or young children.

What is the council’s role during severe weather?

East Lothian Council works with its partners in health, the police, the emergency services, the voluntary sector and the Scottish Government to make sure that as many services as possible are maintained. Its priority is to ensure that those at the most risk and the most need receive attention first. So, during periods of severe weather, it asks people to be patient, take care and keep up to date with what’s happening by using ELC’s pages on its website.

You can also phone ELC’s Contact Centre on 01875 824 305. Bear in mind that the high volume of calls to the Contact Centre during severe weather means you may spend a little time in its call-waiting system.

Recent video of flooding in Haddington

This post is based on original advice posted on the ELC website here.

Pencaitland Community Council
Follow Pencaitland Community Council on Twitter

News Photos

This is snow joke – photo

It’s hard to take in that we’re seeing snow so late on in the year. Puts a real dampener on the plants which were loving the unseasonally warm weather a few weeks ago…

Snow in mid April in Pencaitland!

Click here to see a larger image (and more snow).

Pencaitland Community Council
Follow Pencaitland Community Council on Twitter

News Notices

More snow & freezing a possibility

With snow already falling and the potential for more forecast we thought it would timely to remind the residents of Fa’side about the Community Council’s store of snow shovels.

Nothing is melting as it's just way too cold.

In the event that today’s snow doesn’t melt overnight, you can now borrow a shovel supplied by East Lothian Council to the community by calling 340 641 or 340 115. You do not need to leave a deposit — just your name and a means of contact.

But we do ask that any borrowed equipment is returned once any snow has melted, so it can then be stored for community use in future winters.

Pencaitland Community Council
Follow Pencaitland community council on Twitter


Weathering the storm – high winds race through Pencaitland

Today’s winds came as quite a surprise to a number of villagers. Reports earlier today said that there could be gusts as high as 95mph across parts of the central belt, with structural damage expected. There were unconfirmed reports of gusts of over 100mph in Edinburgh.

Storm Damage - click for a few more pictures

Fortunately, unlike the last blast, this storm, whilst even more intense than the one before Christmas, blew out much more quickly.

A quick glance around Pencaitland after the worst had passed showed some roofs missing tiles and the Spar shop’s sign which shattered in the highest winds, also losing some of the guttering from the structure over the petrol pumps. That aside, so far the bulk of the wind damage appears to be tree-related.

In this video you can see the damage to the Spar shop’s sign as the canopy over the petrol pumps rocks back and forth.