
Swollen Tyne bursts banks in Pencaitland (Video)

After a night of high winds and incessant rain it was little surprise that the river Tyne at Pencaitland once again broke its banks with the swell.

The Tyne bursts its banks at Pencaitland
The Tyne bursts its banks at Pencaitland
After a night of high winds and incessant rain it was little surprise that the river Tyne at Pencaitland once again broke its banks with the swell.

In just a few hours the river went from a gentle and shallow meandering stream into a swollen muddy mass of water. This has become a fairly regular occurrence in recent years leaving parts of the river pathway annually inundated and weakening the river bank.

However, it is Haddington, further downstream which is currently under threat from the swelling waters of the Tyne. Further details on the situation can be found by checking the Scottish Environment Protection Agency’s updates page for the Lothians.

Having trouble viewing the video? See it on the Pencaitland channel on Youtube.

By pencaitland

Pencaitland Community Council exists to represent the views of local residents about local issues that matter to them. This involves close liaison with other groups in the community and helps to develop a more coherent and dynamic village environment.

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