
Don’t forget to tell your Council about road or pavement problems

Pencaitland has seen its fair share of potholes and other pavement problems over the winter but thanks to email and the web it’s never been easier to report.

FixMyStreet is a great way to keep track of issues local to you which need to be addressed. Alternatively you can contact East Lothian Council directly. <a href=""><B>Click here</B></a> to read how.
FixMyStreet is a great way to keep track of issues local to you which need to be addressed. Alternatively you can contact East Lothian Council directly. Click here to read how or above to view problems already reported in and around the village via FixMyStreet.


Reporting road problems to East Lothian Council

The last few days of freezing temperatures have taken their toll on the main roads through Pencaitland with tarmac breaking to form fresh potholes.

A section of pavement in the centre of Pencaitland broken up by heavy vehicles parking wheels over edge. A child tripped over the rubble caused by this damage.
A section of pavement in the centre of Pencaitland broken up by heavy vehicles parking wheels over edge. A child tripped over the rubble caused by this damage.
On both sides of the Tyne Bridge there are rapidly growing potholes which could damage a vehicle or, as happens in wet weather, splash pedestrians, particularly whilst they walk on the narrow section of pavement.

The good news is that in this digital age it really couldn’t be easier to report problems to the Council, both directly or via other means. Here’s one method… is a fantastic concept from the mySociety team, which in turn is a charitable initiative from the UK Citizens Online Democracy. All you need to do in order to report a local issue is enter your postcode, supply (optional) contact details, upload a picture (it’s better if you have one). Then just hit the send button.

You then receive a confirmation email with a link from FixMyStreet. Click the link to confirm and you’re done. Your local council, in this case East Lothian, will been alerted courtesy of

Contact the Council

Alternatively, you can go directly to East Lothian Council with reports of road problems by filling in an online form. You can choose to register or submit problems anonymously.

It then asks for the street and town plus details of the fault. There doesn’t seem to be a way to send in a picture with the submission unfortunately. Once submitted you are given a reference number for follow up and you receive an email confirming the submission has been received.

If it’s an emergency or particularly urgent you can call:

  • 01875 824305 during office hours (Monday-Thursday 8am-5pm or Friday 8am-4pm)
  • 01875 612818 out of office hours


New flood warnings issued – Share your knowledge

flood alert logoWe have recent video of flooding in Pencaitland plus fresh reports that further floods may occur today. If you spot problems tell others. Here’s how…

If you plan to travel today and spot a flooded section of road please tweet details to @pencaitlandcc or to the Pencaitland Facebook page. This way the information will automatically be passed on to others.

Twitter example message:

@pencaitlandcc Bend of A6093 coming into Wester #Pencaitland flooded both lanes on final bend. #flood #eastlothian

You can use the same text whether sending to Twitter or posting to Facebook or Google+… whichever is your preferred social tool of choice.

the # symbol is often placed in front of keywords on Twitter in order to help people discover relevant updates. If you have room, by adding #eastlothian and #flood to your message it is more likely to be found by those looking for information on floods in the county. Try to be specific, using, for example, #ormiston or #pencaitland hash tags to help geographically pinpoint where the problem is.


Here’s the latest from the Scottish Environment Protection Agency:

“A FLOOD ALERT has been issued for Edinburgh and Lothians.

A period of heavy and persistent rain is forecast to affect the area on Thursday through until Friday. Flooding to low lying areas from rivers and small watercourses is possible. The intensity of the rain may also cause some surface water flooding, particularly in built up areas or on low lying roads. SEPA will continue to monitor the situation and further updates will be provided when new information becomes available.”


More heavy rain was predicted over night and we got it. So much so, that the notorious final bends into the western edge of the village of Pencaitland were already half flooded with run off from the neighbouring field. (Can’t see the video below? Go to Pencaitland Community on YouTube.)

We recently saw the Tyne burst its banks at Pencaitland and it’s done it again today. But the problems will be more acute for Haddington further downstream which already suffered flooding during the last heavy downpour. (Can’t see the video below? Go to Pencaitland Community on YouTube.)


Flood warnings issued – share flood info socially

flood alert logoThere are reports (see below) that we may get floods around East Lothian today. If you spot problems tell others. Here’s how…

If you plan to travel today and spot a flooded section of road please tweet details to @pencaitlandcc or to the Pencaitland Facebook page. This way the information will automatically be passed on to others.

Twitter example message:

@pencaitlandcc Bend of A6093 coming into Wester #Pencaitland flooded both lanes on final bend. #flood #eastlothian

You can use the same text whether sending to Twitter or posting to Facebook or Google+… whichever is your preferred social tool of choice.

the # symbol is often placed in front of keywords on Twitter in order to help people discover relevant updates. If you have room, by adding #eastlothian and #flood to your message it is more likely to be found by those looking for information on floods in the county. Try to be specific, using, for example, #ormiston or #pencaitland hash tags to help geographically pinpoint where the problem is.


Here’s the latest from the Scottish Environment Protection Agency:

“A FLOOD ALERT has been issued for Edinburgh and Lothians.

Very heavy persistent rainfall has been forecast from mid afternoon Monday until early Tuesday morning. This is expected to lead to a risk of flooding throughout the area from rivers, small watercourses and surface water. Impacts are possible both within this period and throughout Tuesday, from where conditions are expected to improve. SEPA duty officers will continue to monitor the developing situation and will issue updates as further information becomes available.”

News Notices

Flood warnings today – share your knowledge

There are reports that we can expect more floods on our rural road network in and around East Lothian today. If you spot problems tell others. Here’s how…

If you have to travel today and spot a badly flooded section of road please either tweet details to @pencaitlandcc or to the Pencaitland Facebook page. This way the information will automatically be passed on to others.


Twitter: @pencaitlandcc carriageway flooded both lanes on final bend into wester #Pencaitland. #flood #eastlothian

You can use the same text whether sending to Twitter or posting to Facebook or Google+ … whichever is your preferred social tool of choice.

the # symbol is often placed in front of keywords on Twitter in order to help people discover relevant updates. If you have room, by adding #eastlothian and #flood to your message it is more likely to be found by those looking for information on floods in the county. Try to be specific, using, for example, #ormiston or #pencaitland hash tags to help geographically pinpoint where the problem is.

Pencaitland Community Council
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