
East Lothian Council’s flood advice

With the spate of what can at times seem like endless amounts of rain over East Lothian, we thought we’d reproduce this handy advice on flooding from ELC. Hopefully it will not be needed any time soon.

What information is available if there is flooding in the area?

Flood Ahead signSEPA (Scottish Environment Protection Agency) runs FLOODLINE, the recorded telephone and website service that provides information on the latest risk of river and coastal flooding in Scotland.

The FLOODLINE number is 0845 988 1188 and callers to that number can hear Flood Alerts or Warnings in force for their area, telling them when potential flooding is forecast, as well as general advice on how to prepare for, or cope with flooding.

You can also sign up to the Floodline service, so when SEPA issues a Flood Alert or Warning for your area you can receive it directly to your phone via text message or voicemail, giving you time to take action.

For more info about how to prepare for severe weather and coping during it, visit Ready Scotland

Flood prevention

Householders are reminded that it is their responsibility to make sure they have their own floodwater prevention equipment such as sandbags and floodgates. These can be bought from DIY stores.

More information is available on the SEPA website at Be Flood Prepared.


flood alert logo

Take extra care if you have to cross deep or fast flowing water which can hide other dangers or be contaminated and dangerous to health. Don’t allow pets to drink or play in it and wash your hands if you come into contact with the water.

Concern for the community

Try and be a good neighbour. Keep an eye on those around you, particularly older people, and anyone with disabilities or young children.

What is the council’s role during severe weather?

East Lothian Council works with its partners in health, the police, the emergency services, the voluntary sector and the Scottish Government to make sure that as many services as possible are maintained. Its priority is to ensure that those at the most risk and the most need receive attention first. So, during periods of severe weather, it asks people to be patient, take care and keep up to date with what’s happening by using ELC’s pages on its website.

You can also phone ELC’s Contact Centre on 01875 824 305. Bear in mind that the high volume of calls to the Contact Centre during severe weather means you may spend a little time in its call-waiting system.

Recent video of flooding in Haddington

This post is based on original advice posted on the ELC website here.

Pencaitland Community Council
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