Due to a change of circumstances the Community Council’s Secretary, Susan Spilsbury, has had to step down from her role.
This means your Community Council is on the lookout for someone able to take on the post. It includes a modest allowance.
Pencaitland Community Council, which also covers Boggs Holdings, New Winton and Peastonbank/Glenkinchie, represents your local community, seeking to liaise with other local bodies and East Lothian Council. This includes ten Community Council meetings a year which usually take place on the last Wednesday evening of the month.
The role itself involves minuting the Community Council’s ten meetings and managing and re-distributing correspondence. This is increasingly via email. You can see a recent example of the Community Council’s minutes here.
In recent years the Community Council has made much greater use of the web and social media to update the local population of news and events. In addition to pencaitland.org on the web, the Community Council can be found on both Facebook and Twitter. Whilst not part of the post, training will be given to any Secretary interested in this area.
If you would like to know more about what’s involved please contact Susan Spilsbury to discuss the role. Susan steps down shortly but would be delighted to tell those interested in the post about what’s involved. She can be contacted initially by emailing secretary@pencaitland.org.
378 replies on “Pencaitland Community seeks new Secretary”
RT @pencaitlandcc: #Pencaitland Community Council seeks new Secretary http://t.co/bPiwswPuZF @elcourier @newseastlothian @elcouncil
RT @pencaitlandcc: #Pencaitland Community Council seeks new Secretary http://t.co/bPiwswPuZF @elcourier @newseastlothian @elcouncil