
Pencaitland 1st & 2nd Brownies may fold by Xmas without help

Both of Pencaitland’s Brownie packs are under the threat of folding due to a lack of adult volunteers to keep them going.

Both of Pencaitland’s Brownie packs are under the threat of closure due to a lack of adult volunteers to keep them going.

Could you spare a few hours of your time to ensure that Brownies survives in Pencaitland?
Could you spare a few hours of your time to ensure that Brownies survives in Pencaitland?
Last year, after a ten year hiatus, the Scouts returned to Pencaitland thanks to the efforts of local volunteers keen to revive a long tradition of Cub and Beaver packs in the community. The response to its return has been excellent with a number of mums, dads and other adult volunteers coming forward to make the Scouts revival a real success story.

But now a similar threat hangs over both the 1st and 2nd Pencaitland Brownies. By Christmas, if adult volunteers don’t come forward to assist in the running of the Brownie packs they will shut up shop, leaving the village and surrounding area without a place for girls to go, to learn a range of invaluabe social and life skills outside of a school and home environment.

Can you make a difference?

Do you think you could spare some time to help save the local Brownies? If you do then call 01875 341 289. You can also learn more about the Girl Guiding movement, including its aims and objectives here.

By pencaitland

Pencaitland Community Council exists to represent the views of local residents about local issues that matter to them. This involves close liaison with other groups in the community and helps to develop a more coherent and dynamic village environment.

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