Both of Pencaitland’s Brownie packs are under the threat of closure due to a lack of adult volunteers to keep them going.
Last year, after a ten year hiatus, the Scouts returned to Pencaitland thanks to the efforts of local volunteers keen to revive a long tradition of Cub and Beaver packs in the community. The response to its return has been excellent with a number of mums, dads and other adult volunteers coming forward to make the Scouts revival a real success story.
But now a similar threat hangs over both the 1st and 2nd Pencaitland Brownies. By Christmas, if adult volunteers don’t come forward to assist in the running of the Brownie packs they will shut up shop, leaving the village and surrounding area without a place for girls to go, to learn a range of invaluabe social and life skills outside of a school and home environment.
Can you make a difference?
Do you think you could spare some time to help save the local Brownies? If you do then call 01875 341 289. You can also learn more about the Girl Guiding movement, including its aims and objectives here.
Following the most recent Pencaitland Community Council meeting in Trevelyan Hall, it was agreed to give financial support to a number of local groups.
Amongst those receiving funds this year are Pencaitland’s new Scouts, Rainbows, Brownies, Playgroup, the Day Centre, the Bowling Club and the Boggs Association. Additionally, this year the Community Council gave support to the Moyra McNeil Fund which hopes to raise sufficient cash to develop a large soft play for young kids in the Loch Centre, Tranent.
The funds will help to partially pay for the use of buildings, buy much needed new equipment and contribute towards repairs and other running costs many groups must meet in order to operate.
Many local community groups struggle to make ends meet financially and rely heavily on the goodwill and generosity of those who give up their time to keep things going, or to help fundraise. In a small way it’s hoped that this year’s modest contributions from your Community Council, will ensure that the good work carried out by local groups will continue… for many years to come.
After a number of years at the helm of Pencaitland Guides Lorna Craft is soon stepping down as Group Leader. To remain open Guides needs new people to step forward.
When current Group Leader Lorna Craft moved to the area there had not been any Guides for a number of years. Lorna reopened Guides for business in 2009 with eight girls and gradually grew to a massive group of 42 at its peak. Currently there are 18 girls and a waiting list for Brownies.
Unfortunately Lorna will be stepping down from Guides this Easter, leaving one other adult leader and one 17 year old young leader, neither of whom are able to take on the role of leader in charge, who runs the Unit. As Lorna explains, “To not have a Guide Unit would not only sadden myself and the present girls, but would be a huge loss to the village.”
That’s why we are putting out the call for new volunteers to help keep Guides open in Pencaitland. To remain open they need one or a group of women over the age of 18 to be able and willing to run the Unit and to work towards a leaders warrant. Male helpers are also very welcome.
A leader runs a varied, interesting, girl-led weekly programme. Amongst other things, they keep basic records up to date, plan and organise activity weekends and ensure the safety of the girls in all that they do. Attending area meetings roughly once per session are also required, as well as taking part training sessions for those new to Guiding leadership.
About Guides
Guides are girls aged 10-14 years of age and work in patrols. Pencaitland’s patrols are the Puffins, the Penguins and the Pandas. In their patrols, the girls enjoy working on projects called “Go for its” such as “Football”, “Don’t forget your toothbrush” and “Glamourama”. The girls also do a variety of badges; anything from “survival” to “party planner”. The Guides choose, plan and implement either on their own, with a friend or as a patrol.
In the past four years Pencaitland Guides have had several weekends away — from a weekend in Stirling visiting the tourist spots, to a weekend in Mull, camping and wild camping, sleepovers, weekends at activity centres and day trips into towns and cities. Last summer three of the girls had the experience of a lifetime on a ten day trip to Switzerland with East Lothian Guiding.
Two of the oldest Guides recently completed the Baden Powell Award, the highest award a Guide can achieve. This has taken nearly two years to complete, proving how dedicated our girls can be!
Why volunteer?
The woman or women who volunteer for this role need to be, in the girl’s words, “fun, enthusiastic and a good laugh”. Volunteers do not need to be a particular “type” – activities outside your expertise can be sourced from other areas.
A past outdoor wild camping trip consisted of a hill walk, camping rough, star gazing and survival skills which was lead by a qualified instructor who worked with Pencaitland’s Group Leader. This can either be a qualified volunteer or a company with relevant qualifications. Pencaitland Guides frequently contact agencies such as the Ambulance Service, Zoo Society, Women’s Refuge, etc., to visit and involve the girls with their cause/role.
Make a difference — get in touch now
Potential volunteers can initially contact Lorna for more information via email.