
Pencaitland Community Council gives support to local groups

Following the most recent Pencaitland Community Council meeting in Trevelyan Hall, it was agreed to give financial support to a number of local groups.

Pencaitland's new Scouts is just one of the local groups benefiting from Community Council support this year.
Pencaitland’s new Scouts is just one of the local groups benefiting from Community Council support this year.
Amongst those receiving funds this year are Pencaitland’s new Scouts, Rainbows, Brownies, Playgroup, the Day Centre, the Bowling Club and the Boggs Association. Additionally, this year the Community Council gave support to the Moyra McNeil Fund which hopes to raise sufficient cash to develop a large soft play for young kids in the Loch Centre, Tranent.

The funds will help to partially pay for the use of buildings, buy much needed new equipment and contribute towards repairs and other running costs many groups must meet in order to operate.

Many local community groups struggle to make ends meet financially and rely heavily on the goodwill and generosity of those who give up their time to keep things going, or to help fundraise. In a small way it’s hoped that this year’s modest contributions from your Community Council, will ensure that the good work carried out by local groups will continue… for many years to come.


Pencaitland’s Richmond’s Hope charity fundraiser raises £4,794.50

The final tally on last Saturday’s fundraiser for kid’s bereavement charity Richmond’s Hope came to £4,794.50


A letter from Emma Hack from Monday 4th March 2013

“Dear everyone

I can’t begin to tell you how touched I am by everyone’s support and generosity. I hope (and think!) that those of you who were there last Saturday night had a really enjoyable evening, I certainly haven’t laughed as much in a long time! There were a lot of very special people who all worked very hard to make the event happen, so Jim and Lynn Fraser, Scott and Lydia MacDonald, Stella and Derek Birrell, Caroline Wolfe Murray, Shirley Hamilton, Christine Galvin, Natasha Ingram-Phoenix, Amy Baillie, The Domestics, Ray & Charlie and everyone who donated food and homebaking – a HUGE thank you for being so generous with your time, skills and support x.

So the part that everyone has been waiting for, we have managed to raise an absolutely amazing £5395.00 for Richmond’s Hope. That will enable Aimée and another 8 children from East Lothian to receive the help they really need following a bereavement, as well as having a bit left over to help towards the cost of the activities they do.

Can I also put a shout out on Richmond’s Hope behalf – they are looking for pasta bake type jars to use for the children to make memory jars out of. If you have any you were going to put into recycling I can pick up and take into Richmond’s Hope.”

You can see more photos of the event by clicking on the image below.

The charity Richmond's Hope specialises in helping kids cope with the loss of a parent. Money raised will help kids from East Lothian receive counselling.
The charity Richmond’s Hope specialises in helping kids cope with the loss of a parent. Money raised will help kids from East Lothian receive counselling.

Or just view them right here…


Phoenix Drama Club places going fast

We’ve had reports that the two drama classes being offered by Natasha Phoenix this September, in Pencaitland’s Bowling Club, are filling fast.

Natasha Phoenix aims to bring a drama club to Pencaitland in the new school year.Classes start on the 4th September with two groups – ‘Fledglings‘ for primary 2,3 and 4 kids starts at 3.45pm – ‘Fliers‘ for primary 5,6 and 7 kids begins at 4.45pm.

If you want to ensure your child secures a place then contact Natasha on 07961 964377 or email

Visit the website at


New Hullabaloo music classes planned for August

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Phoenix Drama Club set to start September

Pencaitland resident Natasha Phoenix has firmed up dates for the first round of drama classes being held in the village Bowling Club. Check out her new website for further details.

Phoenix Drama Club starts classes for P2's to P7's in two classes starting 4 September 2012. Click for more details.As we reported in May local mum and Primary school Teacher Natasha Phoenix is planning to bring drama classes to kids from all over Fa’side.

After school classes begin on the 4th September based in Pencaitland’s Bowling Club, with Primary 2, 3 and 4 kids at 3.40pm and Primary 5, 6 and 7’s at 4.40pm.

But these sessions are about much more than learning lines, aiming to provide a club which offers fun, quality experiences for children who feel involved, valued and respected. The aim is to use a child-centred approach to planning, using the kids’ imaginations and interests as starting points. Lastly, it goes into teaching Neuro Linguistic Programming and Emotional Literacy skills and strategies, offering children enhanced life skill learning.

For further details on price and availability you can contact Phoenix Drama Club by emailing Natasha at or visit the brand new website.


New Hullabaloo music classes planned for August

Pencaitland Community Council
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Drama club comes to Pencaitland

Local mum and teacher Natasha Phoenix is planning on bringing drama classes to Pencaitland later this year, aimed at kids from primary 2 to 7.

Natasha, who used to teach primary level children in Edinburgh, plans to start the drama club in the new school year, around September time, based out of Pencaitland’s Bowling Club.

Natasha Phoenix aims to bring a drama club to Pencaitland in the new school year.

As an experienced Primary School Teacher with expertise in the area of Emotional Health and Wellbeing and Expressive Arts, Natasha intends to deliver high-quality activities aimed at improving kid’s confidence, creativity, resilience, memory, goal setting and team work.

As she explains, “After trying to find a club for my own children, I was dismayed to find the extremely high cost coupled with a lack of appropriately qualified and experienced staff, completely put me off. As I have extensive experience in teaching Expressive Arts, Emotional Health and Wellbeing, alongside recent training in children’s Neuro-Linguistic Programming and Co-operative Learning, I decided to start up my own club. It will not just be drama but will also incorporate NLP, emotional literacy games and opportunities for children to learn practical techniques to manage the challenges of childhood such as bullying, fear of failure or just feeling left out.”

Costing £6 per session, kids will be in one of two classes depending on their school year. Provisionally set for a Tuesday, session 1 is aimed at children of Primary 2, 3 and 4 with classes running for one hour between 3.35 and 4.35pm. Session 2 is for older kids in Primary 5, 6 and 7, again for an hour between 4.35 and 5.35pm. A space for parents and early arrivals will be available throughout the sessions.

At this stage Natasha is keen to establish the level of interest. If you would like your child to be on the list please email her at

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