Pencaitland resident Natasha Phoenix has firmed up dates for the first round of drama classes being held in the village Bowling Club. Check out her new website for further details.
As we reported in May local mum and Primary school Teacher Natasha Phoenix is planning to bring drama classes to kids from all over Fa’side.
After school classes begin on the 4th September based in Pencaitland’s Bowling Club, with Primary 2, 3 and 4 kids at 3.40pm and Primary 5, 6 and 7’s at 4.40pm.
But these sessions are about much more than learning lines, aiming to provide a club which offers fun, quality experiences for children who feel involved, valued and respected. The aim is to use a child-centred approach to planning, using the kids’ imaginations and interests as starting points. Lastly, it goes into teaching Neuro Linguistic Programming and Emotional Literacy skills and strategies, offering children enhanced life skill learning.
For further details on price and availability you can contact Phoenix Drama Club by emailing Natasha at or visit the brand new website.