
Provisional broadband stats reported in local press

The local media recently picked up on some of the preliminary statistics coming out of the Broadband Working Group’s efforts to find out how people feel about current local provision of broadband service.

Click this image to read the article from East Lothian News
Click the image above to read the article from East Lothian News

The Broadband Working Group has been exploring practical solutions for bringing high-speed wireless broadband service to this part of East Lothian, in conjunction with the existing development of a working system by Lothian Broadband — a co-operative company set up to introduce a wireless 20Mbps service to a large geographical area roughly south of Haddington.

Extending this service to Pencaitland would deliver a similar speed of service, eventually with the potential to rise to 50Mbps, whether uploading or downloading from the internet.

If you haven’t had a chance to take the short survey please do so now. Your views will help inform any final decision your Community Council takes on an independent solution to rural broadband provision.

Pencaitland Community Council
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