We are delighted to report that recent efforts to fill the vacancy for a new person to take on the role of Community Council Secretary were successful. The community’s new Secretary is Susan Spilsbury.
Recently the post of Community Council Secretary became vacant when long-time Community Councillor, and Secretary for the last twelve months, Nicky Neighbour stepped down from her role after many years of great service.
Fortunately for the Community Council Susan saw the recently advertised position in Pencaet News, the local church’s newsletter, and got in touch to offer her services.
Amongst other things Susan is currently a volunteer for Pencaitland Day Centre and as Committee Secretary for the older people. In her 16 years living in Pencaitland, Susan has also been involved in the Mothers & Toddler Group (Secretary), Playgroup (Treasurer then Playleader), Rainbows (Leader), Operation Christmas Child (Local Organiser)and Pencaitland Church (Sunday Club Leader).
Susan can be contacted on the email secretary@pencaitland.org. Further information on all members of Pencaitland Community Council can be found on the Members page.
Want to get involved?
We are searching for new blood to join the team. We need more voices on issues which directly affect you and your local environment. If you care about local matters then take the next step – come along to your local community council and see if you’d like to become a co-opted member.
Interested? Next Steps
Want to know more? Contact the current Community Council Chair, Ralph Averbuch, on 01875 340 641 or 07920 094 923 to discuss how you can get involved. Or you can email chair@pencaitland.org.
This is your chance to represent your local community and directly affect the way it develops in the future. Come along and be part of the team.