
Pencaitland’s Parallel Footpath – What next?

There have been a number of people asking what happens next now that the public consultation has happened on the parallel footpath plan for Pencaitland.

A mum runs up the main road with her buggy which is too wide to fit the pavement
A mum who can’t fit her buggy on the pavement races up the road hoping the lights remain in her favour, giving her enough time to get back on the pavement where it’s widens again. Click for a larger image.
Whilst the pubic consultation took place last week, boxes have been placed in the Granny Shop, Spar and Post Office to collect views from those unable to attend that event and via the one question survey which we encourage you to complete if you haven’t expressed a view already.

Those boxes will be collected later this week and all the views expressed at the public consultation or via the online survey will then be reflected in a report which will be produced by Brian Cooper, Senior Transportation Manager at East Lothian Council, no later than the 27th of November. It will then be presented to Cabinet on the 11th of December, provisionally returning to the Planning Committee on the 8th of January.

As soon as any reports go public we will share those details via this website.


Good turnout for consultation and paper/online community survey

Whatever your view a big thanks to all those who made the effort to come along to the Public Consultation on the parallel footpath today or participated in the survey.

There was a pretty good turnout in terms of numbers at both the actual event in Trevelyan Hall and from those taking part in both the paper and online surveys.

An artist's impression of the footpath when completed going up tothe church
An artist’s impression of the footpath when completed going up to the church. Click above for a larger version.
Generally the impression was that the majority are in clear support of the footpath with the odd vehement exception.

However, Glebe residents asked the quite reasonable question of how and why the additional parking became part of the footpath plan and en-mass felt they had no choice but to object, despite not having issue with the core intent of a safer footpath.

Meantime, so far we have received 61 online and 31 written notes of support with 5 online responses against the plan .

Working with ELC officials we will now collate the rest of the comments gathered today and report back.

Remember, if you still want to participate because you missed the consultation and haven’t had the opportunity to air your view through other means, you can still take part in the one question survey here.

Results of the online survey
Results of the online survey


Courier reports on Pencaitland’s pavement consultation

This week’s East Lothian Courier carried the story on ELC’s plan to return to Pencaitland for further consultations with villagers this coming Tuesday.

Click to see a larger copy
Click the image above to see a larger copy.

The public showing of the parallel footpath plans is set to take place this coming Tuesday in Trevelyan Hall between 2pm and 6pm. We would urge everyone to try to make this event but if you can’t, please do the survey below which will be shared with the Council.

If you don’t see the survey question above you can click here


Pencaitland’s parallel footpath work grinds to halt

The Pencaitland Fatal Footpath Campaign says if the main road pavement cannot be widened and the lights moved, it supports the Parallel footpath plans as the next best option available to the community.
The Pencaitland Fatal Footpath Campaign says if the main road pavement cannot be widened and the lights moved, it supports the Parallel footpath plans, “as the next best option available to the community”.
Last week’s ELC Planning Committee voted down plans to build a wider footpath running parallel to the main road from the bridge, through the church and into the school.

These plans were the culmination of 18 months of negotiations between members of the church, ELC transport and planning officials, ELC councillors, the Community Council and the Fatal Footpath campaign. These talks came about at the direct request of ELC councillors keen to find a workable solution after rejecting the case for widening the main road pavement and extending the lights between the bridge and the church.

Planning Committee

Last Tuesday (4th Sep) locally elected councillor Jim Gillies (LAB), who now sits on the Planning Committee, argued that the new parallel footpath plans lodged had not been given sufficient scrutiny by residents of Pencaitland. Donald Grant (LAB), another local councillor said that this had been going on too long arguing that planning consent should be granted. At the vote Grant lost.

Plans in limbo

This means that work previously carried out on the site in preparation remains in limbo with no likelihood of the footpath being completed until further community consultations on both this existing parallel footpath plan and any varations or alternatives deemed viable. Crucially, anything presented to the community must be deemed acceptable to both transport and planning officials in East Lothian Council to avoid plans being voted down once again at Council. This is a task now being championed by recently elected councillor Shamin Akhtar (LAB).

Public Consultation

Once it is clear what, if any, alternative options may be viable, these, along with the current plans for a parallel footpath or variants of it, will be presented to the community. This will most likely be achieved with a public viewing in Trevelyan Hall and promoted via an information campaign to each household, as well as through this website and social media.

Long time footpath campaigner and mum Sheila Averbuch said, “Last year the ELC failed to widen the main road footpath despite well over 300 village signatures demanding they do so. The half finished parallel footpath through the churchyard was acceptable to the Fatal Footpath campaign as an alternative. I’m astonished that Planning Committee hasn’t yet approved it. I hope supporters of pedestrian safety will tell the Council clearly that they want the parallel footpath completed.”


  • Pencaitland Fatal Footpath on Facebook
  • East Lothian planning Application Summary
  • Planning Committee Report recommending consent be given for the parallel footpath plan.
  • East Lothian Courier story on the Planning Committee decision to reject Planning official’s recommendation.
  • An earlier story when the Parallel Footpath proposals went to public consultation in March 2012.
  • A map of the proposed parallel footpath.


Planning Committee makes onsite visit before consent decision

ELC's Planning Committee makes a site visit to consider approval of the plans for an alternate footpath avoiding the narrow pavement.Members of East Lothian’s Planning Committee were on-site at the parish church earlier today to go over the proposals for a footpath from the bridge up to the school, avoiding the narrow main road pavement.

As well as members of the committee, two of Pencaitland’s local councillors, Jim Gillies and Donald Grant were present. There were also representatives from the Community Council, the Minister David Torrance, Francis Ogilvy and a few interested locals.

Members of the Planning Committee convene at the Town House in Haddington next Tuesday at 10am to make a final decision on the plans in their current form.