
Summer arts activities in East Lothian

Following on from yesterday’s article about various sports on offer for kids during the summer, we now have details on arts events in the county.

Summer arts activities in East Lothian - click to view brochure

East Lothian Council’s Arts Service has put together a range of activities for kids in age groups 5 to 7, 8 to 12 and 12 to 18 years of age. Activities cover drama, Art Camps, Musicals and Breakdance.

Youth Theatre Summer Schools can be booked via Musselburgh’s Brunton Theatre on 0131 665 2240. All other arts activities are booked through East Lothian Council’s summer activities booking form. Holders of the Leisure Pass Plus card are eligible for lower fees.

For full details of what’s on offer you can view the Summer arts activities in East Lothian brochure [PDF]. It should be pointed out that these are just some of the arts activities this summer, so look out for more details on other courses from East Lothian Council.

Kids summer activity programme for East Lothian

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Check out the new Pencaitland Parents page

There’s a new Facebook page especially for mums, dads and extended friends and family living in or near Pencaitland and other nearby communities of Boggs Holdings, New Winton and Peastonbank / Glenkinchie.

Pencaitland Parents on Facebook - click to check it out

Called Pencaitland Parents it’s hoped that over time it will become a useful message board for parents with kids of all ages to share information on both school and non-school events and activities in and around the village and other communities in the immediate area.

Of course, not everyone likes (excuse the pun) using Facebook. For those not so keen on it, we recommend following Pencaitland Parent Council on Twitter.

Pencaitland Community Council
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Help Cubs & Beavers return to Pencaitland

Can you spare a couple of hours a week to help the youth of the village and keep them occupied? Not that long ago Pencaitland had a thriving Beaver Colony and Cub Pack. However both closed due to lack of leaders.


We’ve been asked by Heather Jackson and Fiona Hopkinson of ADC Cubs to pass on their plea to the people of Pencaitland, Boggs Holdings, New Winton and Glenkinchie…

Our plea is to try and resurrect both Beavers and Cubs within Pencaitland as both Haddington and Tranent are unable to meet demand and both have waiting lists that are bursting at the seams!!

We are looking for interested parties, male or female aged 18+ who are enthusiastic, motivated and like children to get involved with the Scout movement. No experience is necessary as full training is given.

If you would like more information or think this could be you then please email Heather Jackson at or Fiona Hopkinson at


Heather Jackson and Fiona Hopkinson
ADC Cubs

Pencaitland Community Council
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