
Q. What goes with a bang every year?

A. Pencaitland’s Annual Fireworks display.

Come and enjoy the 2013 Fireworks Display in Pencaitland this year and help raise much needed funds for local educational needs.
Come and enjoy the 2013 Fireworks Display in Pencaitland this year and help raise much needed funds for local educational needs.
Pencaitland’s regular festival of fireworks is slated to take place on Saturday the 2nd of November, starting at 7pm. Gates will open at 6.15pm.

As per last year’s event the Fireworks display returns to Lempockwells Field just south of Lamberton Court and to the west of Lempockwells Road. You can view the Fireworks Location and main entrance here.

Tickets for adults cost £5, £3 for a child or a family ticket costs £13 (this includes two adults and up to four kids). Under 5s get free entry.

You can purchase tickets from the School Office or by calling 01875 340 260. Tickets are also available from the Spar Shop, the Granny Shop, or at the gate on the evening. However, if you plan to come and support the event please try to buy before the big night to ease congestion.

Remember that all funds raised go towards many much needed and very necessary resources at Pencaitland Primary School.

News Photos

Sun shines on Pencaitland PTA’s annual Fun Run

Pencaitland Primary School’s PTA held its annual Fun Run just as the clouds broke and the Sun shone briefly on those taking part.

Runners at the start of the 10km race which began and ended back in the grounds of Pencaitland Primary School. Click the photo above for more pictures.
Runners at the start of the 10km race which began and ended back in the grounds of Pencaitland Primary School. Click the photo above for more pictures.
The PTA’s Fun Run has become a regular fixture in recent years with both committed and occasional runners participating. In addition the three distances — 10km, 5km & 3.5km — also offer the option to cycle the circuit.

All participants made it back safely and were rewarded with refreshments and the opportunity to enjoy one of the warmest days we have seen in months; rising to 12C in the afternoon. Fortunately it was still cool enough to make the running bearable.

Below we have a selection of snaps taken on the day. If you want an original copy of any picture featuring you or your family just drop an email to

We will report on the winners and times achieved shortly.


PTA & Playgroup Fun Run set for Saturday 13th April

The PTA & Playgroup Fun Run takes place on Saturday the 13th of April from 2pm in the grounds on Pencaitland Primary School.

The PTA Fun Run 2012. Click the photo to see more from last year's fun event.
The PTA Fun Run 2012. Click the photo to see more from last year’s fun event.
There’s something available for all skill levels at this year’s PTA Fun Run. On offer are the 10k, 5k and family 3.5k runs with a 10k bike trail. It’s sure to be a fun afternoon.

If you’d like to take part then follow the links to the forms. If you can spare time to help out as a Marshal (30 are needed) Contact Charlotte Taylor on 01875 340 987 or

Entry Forms

You can see a selection of snaps from last year’s Fun Run here.


Fairtrade family Ceilidh with the Andrew Warren Band

Pencaitland Primary’s Parents & Teachers Association is holding a Ceilidh in the school hall on Friday 2nd March.

Fun at a previous PTA Ceilidh. Come along, have a good time and help raise much needed funds.
Fun at a previous PTA Ceilidh. Come along, have a good time and help raise much needed funds.
Fully catered, the event has become a regular fixture with proceeds going towards much needed school resources.

The fun kicks off at 5.30pm and finishes at 8pm. Tickets cost £4 for adults, £3 for kids or £12 for Families. Children under 2 go free.

Come along and enjoy a fun few hours, which not only provides the opportunity to take part in a social activity with others for a good cause, but also gives you an excuse not to collapse in front of the telly on a Friday evening!

For further detail contact Charlotte via email.


PTA Spring Fayre set for 26th May

This year’s Spring Fayre, run by the Parent and Teachers Association of Pencaitland Primary, takes place on the 26th of May (Saturday), from 1 to 4pm in the grounds of the school.

Face-painting at the Pencaitland PTA Spring Fayre last year...

As well as parents and extended family, all members of the community are very welcome to come along and enjoy, “a fun packed activity filled afternoon with all the usual attractions and a few more! This year come ready to race! There will be traditional games for parents and children to test their speed and dexterity, including a tug-of-war!”

There will also be a Science tent looking at the eye and optics, the return of the polymer slime and coke geysers, plus the new hexbug nano races.

Look out for the usual assortment of tractors and emergency vehicles plus a variety of four legged friends will be joining the fun from the Cadzow’s farm and Boggs Hogs.

Amongst items sought are:

  • Donations of home baking
  • Donations of used toys, books and DVDs/CDs
  • Donations of new toys and books suitable for a children’s tombola or lucky dip
  • Donations of bottles or chocolate suitable for the adults’ tombola
  • Donations of bicycles

If you think you can also help out on the day contact Charlotte on 01875 340 987 or check out the PTA’s letter [PDF].

Donations of toys and books and tombola items can be made directly to the school from the 21st May but if you would like someone to collect your items please email or ring Charlotte as above.

Pencaitland Community Council
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Great turnout for PTA Fun Run

The slightly overcast and misty conditions were ideal for the more serious runners in the 10km race held today in Pencaitland village.

The Fun Run was organised by the Parent and Teachers Association of Pencaitland Primary School with the aim of raising funds for both the PTA and Pencaitland’s Playgroup. Turnout was higher than expected with plenty of entrants for all three routes. There was a 5km and 3.5km route on offer too.

When the numbers have been added up we’ll provide details of the winning times and funds raised. Meantime you can see snaps from today’s event below…

NOTE: We hit a limit on how many pictures we can host on Flickr above, so we’ve uploaded Saturday’s snaps to the Photos section of Pencaitland Community Council on Facebook.

And a little video of the warm-up…

Look out for further pictures from around the course which we hope to be adding later. If you’d like to send one for inclusion email it to

Pencaitland Community Council
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Send us your Fun Run photos this weekend

Are you planning on taking part or cheering on participants in this year’s PTA Fun Run?

If you are and you get a good photo of events please share it with us. We will then publicise it on this website, on the School’s blog and via Facebook or Twitter.

Click for more details and a map of the cycle and running routes

How to send us your photos

There are three ways you can share photos from the day.

1. Email your photos, ideally one at a time, to

2. Share your pictures on our Facebook page at

3. Tweet your photos to @pencaitlandcc.

In each case give us a few words on where on the course you were and, if you know, who’s in the picture.

Video too?

Yes. If you take a video you can also share this. Please keep it short and all the options above still apply. If emailing the file needs to be under 20MB in size. If already uploaded to YouTube or some other video site, send us the link.

Entrance for the Fun Run

10K (ages 15yrs and above) £10, 5K (ages 11yrs and above) £10, family 3.5K run and 10K bike trail (no age limit, under 11yrs require accompanying adult) £2 per person. Pencaitland PTA is a registered charity, number SCO0003.

Entry forms

There’s still time to enter. Download the entry forms here – 10k & 5k Registration formFamily Registration Form.

PTA Fun Run Route Map

You can view a PDF of the planned 3.5, 5 and 10km cycle and runnning routes.

Pencaitland Community Council
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PTA Fun Run 5k route revised

In a minor change the route of the five kilometre Fun Run for Saturday 24th March has been altered to avoid potential hazards.

The previous route took in the Boggs Holdings main road which lacks pedestrian footpaths. The revised route now avoids this, making it both safer and requiring fewer marshals on the day.

Click here to see the revised 5km route for the PTA's 2012 Fun Run

Updated PTA Fun Run 2012 Map with Marshal points

However the organisers are still looking for a few more helping hands. Please read on to find out how you can help…


PTA Fun Run route finalised

Whether you plan to take part or you simply want to know which spots would be good to see the action on the day (Saturday 24th March), the map below will tell you what you need to know.

PTA Fun Run 2012 - click to view the detailed PDF map

Families can take part (starting at 2pm with registration at 1pm) in the 3.5 kilometre route. Alternatively there’s a 10 kilometre Cycle route. For the more ambitious there are two longer runs of either 5 or 10 kilometres.

All the proceeds from the day will be split between the PTA and Pencaitland Playgroup.


Pencaitland PTA Fun Run set for 24th March

Time to dig out those running shoes, dust them down and get in a few warm-up laps before this month’s PTA Fun Run!

Whether young or old the PTA are looking for individuals, families and groups who would like to take part in the various Fun Runs and the Cycle Route planned for later this month.

Families can take part (starting at 2pm with registration at 1pm) in the 3.5 kilometre route. Alternatively there’s a 10 kilometre Cycle route. For the more ambitious there are two longer runs of either 5 or 10 kilometres.

All the proceeds from the day will be split between the PTA and Pencaitland Playgroup.

Anyone requiring a registration form please contact: Charlotte Taylor on 01875 340987 or Alternatively download them here – 10k & 5k Registration formFamily Registration Form.

Marshals wanted!

The PTA needs 30 marshals to run the event so if you would like a ringside seat please get in touch.

Entrance for the Fun Run

10K (ages 15yrs and above) £10, 5K (ages 11yrs and above) £10, family 3.5K run and 10K bike trail (no age limit, under 11yrs require accompanying adult) £2 per person. Pencaitland PTA is a registered charity, number SCO0003.

Pencaitland Community Council
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