
PTA Spring Fayre set for 26th May

This year’s Spring Fayre, run by the Parent and Teachers Association of Pencaitland Primary, takes place on the 26th of May (Saturday), from 1 to 4pm in the grounds of the school.

Face-painting at the Pencaitland PTA Spring Fayre last year...

As well as parents and extended family, all members of the community are very welcome to come along and enjoy, “a fun packed activity filled afternoon with all the usual attractions and a few more! This year come ready to race! There will be traditional games for parents and children to test their speed and dexterity, including a tug-of-war!”

There will also be a Science tent looking at the eye and optics, the return of the polymer slime and coke geysers, plus the new hexbug nano races.

Look out for the usual assortment of tractors and emergency vehicles plus a variety of four legged friends will be joining the fun from the Cadzow’s farm and Boggs Hogs.

Amongst items sought are:

  • Donations of home baking
  • Donations of used toys, books and DVDs/CDs
  • Donations of new toys and books suitable for a children’s tombola or lucky dip
  • Donations of bottles or chocolate suitable for the adults’ tombola
  • Donations of bicycles

If you think you can also help out on the day contact Charlotte on 01875 340 987 or check out the PTA’s letter [PDF].

Donations of toys and books and tombola items can be made directly to the school from the 21st May but if you would like someone to collect your items please email or ring Charlotte as above.

Pencaitland Community Council
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Seeking used equipment for PTA Summer Fayre

Every year the Parent Teachers Association at Pencaitland Primary School organises a Fayre with the objective of raising cash to buy much needed items and transport which cannot be provided from other sources.

The PTA would be grateful of donations of equipment to be sold at this year's Summer Fayre

This year’s Summer Fayre takes place on the 28th of May, between 1 and 4pm within the School’s grounds. Everyone is welcome.

You can help contribute to the up-coming Fayre’s success. Just take a quick look in your garage or loft for still usable equipment that otherwise is simply gathering dust and taking up useful space. If you can donate it to the PTA, then your generosity will help towards raising those much needed funds and ensure that your contribution’s usable life is usefully extended.

The PTA would be grateful of donations of the following:

– Used (not broken) toys
– Books (all ages)
– CD’s and DVD’s
– Children’s bikes, adult bikes, trikes and scooters (there will be a bike stall)
– Home baking (bring on the day)
– Bottles, biscuits, chocolates, general gifts for tombola

Please drop off any donations at the school office, or if you can’t manage to bring items to the school, please contact Graham Wilson (01875 341 021) or email and they will arrange pick-up.