
Pencaitland recycling timetable released

You may have spotted the pamphlets that came through front doors recently with details on what and when you can recycle.

Extra or replacement box covers are also available at <a href="">Local Area Offices</a> or by contacting Waste Services.
Extra or replacement box covers are also available at Local Area Offices or by contacting Waste Services.
We’ve also added all the dates to the community calendar for both brown and recycling bin collections along with a link to the current timetable which you can download and print.

Brown bins are collected every other Friday for garden waste. You can find loads of useful information on recycling on the ELC website.

East Lothian is already recycling almost 44 percent of household waste. By 2020 60 percent of all the waste collected from households should be recycled, composted or prepared for reuse. To help achieve this Local Authorities are being asked to introduce a collection service for food waste which will be introduced as a new service in the future.

Meantime here’s a quick refresher on what you can put in the green and blue recycling boxes on alternate Fridays…

 Green box  Blue box
 glass bottles and jars  paper (unwanted mail)
 food and drink cans  cardboard

 plastic bottles, pots, tubs, trays, tops & straws

 envelopes (including windowed envelopes)
 empty aerosol cans & clean aluminium foil

 telephone directories and Yellow Pages

 magazines, brochures and leaflets

 wrapping paper

Recycling Collection Points

The Council also operates around 80 recycling points across East Lothian. There is one in the car park of the Winton Arms in Pencaitland. Additionally, for larger items you can access one of ELC’s four recycling centres.

The nearest one is the Macmerry Recycling Centre in Macmerry Industrial Estate. For location details see this map.

View East Lothian Recycling Centres in a larger map


Seeking used equipment for PTA Summer Fayre

Every year the Parent Teachers Association at Pencaitland Primary School organises a Fayre with the objective of raising cash to buy much needed items and transport which cannot be provided from other sources.

The PTA would be grateful of donations of equipment to be sold at this year's Summer Fayre

This year’s Summer Fayre takes place on the 28th of May, between 1 and 4pm within the School’s grounds. Everyone is welcome.

You can help contribute to the up-coming Fayre’s success. Just take a quick look in your garage or loft for still usable equipment that otherwise is simply gathering dust and taking up useful space. If you can donate it to the PTA, then your generosity will help towards raising those much needed funds and ensure that your contribution’s usable life is usefully extended.

The PTA would be grateful of donations of the following:

– Used (not broken) toys
– Books (all ages)
– CD’s and DVD’s
– Children’s bikes, adult bikes, trikes and scooters (there will be a bike stall)
– Home baking (bring on the day)
– Bottles, biscuits, chocolates, general gifts for tombola

Please drop off any donations at the school office, or if you can’t manage to bring items to the school, please contact Graham Wilson (01875 341 021) or email and they will arrange pick-up.


Pencaitland Clean up – 7th May

Just a quick note to let everyone know that the Community Council is running the annual litter collection on the 7th of May this year.

A previous clean up drive in the village - please come along on the 7th and help polish up Pencaitland.
If you would like to take part please email Frank Stacey from the community council for details, or you’re very welcome to simply turn up on the day at 9.30am, Saturday the 7th of May outside the Trevelyan Hall.