Privacy Matters & Implied Consent

Privacy usually matters to us most when it has just been infringed, maybe through an annoying unsolicited contact or worse the leaking of personal information to a dubious or unknown third party. Yet few of us bother reading the tedious…

It is snowing again

Sites hosted on OurLocality Free Website Hosting Platform based in East Lothian may have a light snow fall from today, which incidentally seems to follow your mouse.

When was the last time you switched?

Switched template that is. Now might be a good time, especially if your site was built before smart phone’s were quite so widespread. With WordPress 4.9, released a few hours ago, this should be a great deal easier.

Did you know? 2) @ourlocality posts your news but not your pages

Thankfully @ourlocality won’t tell the whole world via its syndication services: and twitter that you’ve just published a new ‘Page’ on your website. Only ‘Posts’ get spun out. There are, however, some small differences in the way that the syndication…

Did you know? 1) @ourlocality syndicates your news to twitter

Did you know that all your news gets re-published not just @ News.Ourlocality.Org but also on twitter @ourlocality? The News site first aggregates all published posts from the OurLocality network and then pushes it to twitter, after a short delay,…

An Update with You in Mind – WordPress 4.8 is coming

Indeed by the time you read this it will be … so gear up for a more intuitive WordPress! WordPress 4.8 – ‘Evans’ after the Jazz Musician Bill Evans, adds some great new features.   Here is what Matt Mullenweg,…