What do the residents say?

Callum Colquhoun, the East Lothian Council community warden popped round for some tea and chat the other day. I was keen to hear what sorts of problems – if any – he was having to deal with locally and exactly what the issues were on the High Street. It is easy to feel out of touch, even if you live on the High Street and it is too easy to make assumptions based on one’s prejudices.

I guess I should not have been surprised that dog fouling was the most prominent concern expressed. But I was surprised that cyclists on pavements was the second concern. OK this is not based on statistically valid sample, not even a survey, but the sorts of things that crop up at the Community Council and at CAPP (COMMUNITY AND POLICE PARTNERSHIP). Interestingly the last meeting pointed up that speeding continues to be a problem in places. I’ve noticed that people are speeding up now that a crossing has been removed on the High Street and I then wondered why it was that cyclists might be using the pavement instead of the road. Is the High Street as safe as it could be?

And if you don’t know what CAPP is, it is a meeting held monthly to discuss problems within the community. Problems are discussed and action is taken by the Police or Council/Community Council and other agencies. Sounds interesting, so I think I will go to the next meeting, which is Monday 9th July 2012, and which the public are also welcome to attend.

Anyway Callum left after a short, but nonetheless interesting chat (he is also the instigator behind the successful boxing club in Haddington.) and I was left clutching a bunch of ASB (anti social behaviour) cards, wondering how exactly I would employ them the next time I faced an ASB incident that distressed me. Would I tell anyone? Or would I assume that the Police are far too busy catching real criminals? Probably the latter, as behind a lot of ASB is a vulnerable person/s. I read recently that ELC is taking it seriously and focusing on early intervention.

I was left with a nagging question. What are people’s real concerns beyond dog shit and bikes on pavements? Having filled in a Police Survey about similar matters, I though it might be interesting to telescope in and get a very local perspective.

The survey form is here. And a paper copy of the Residents Survey can be downloaded and printed. I think it can also be completed on screen before printing.

I’ll print copies and post them, as I guess rather few people will be reading this.

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passionate about the new and the old, but only if it is any good