Watchin’ you

HATE CCTV – What can I do ?

Fight the proliferation of surveillance cameras. If you would like some advice on any of the below or would like to suggest another action then please do get in touch via the contact us link above.

* 1984 Action Day – 8th June 2014 – Date for your diary – take Part

1. Contact MPs/councillors
2. Attend local council meetings
3. Write a letter to your local media
4. Support one of No CCTV’s current Actions
5. Get involved with an existing campaign
6. Start your own campaign more

1984 Action Day, 8th June

8th June is the anniversary of the publication of George Orwell’s novel ‘1984’. The date will be marked by protests against CCTV cameras and other surveillance, by groups from around the world.

To get involved contact No CCTV at

When will you fight back?

For details of events from June 2013 & 2012 visit the the 1984 Action Day site

For more information see and

1. Write to your MP/councillor

Contact your local councillor and MP and tell them your views on CCTV. Tell them about this website and point them towards the evidence against CCTV.

Go to

2. Attend local council meetings

Most decisions to install surveillance cameras are made at a local level. When no-one objects politicians take the silence to be “implied consent”. Simply attending a meeting and standing up to object can be a way of stopping the implied consent model. If enough of us object the proliferation of cameras will stop. If we do nothing politicians will continue to install cameras, claiming that the people they “represent” want them.

As the famous quote often attributed to Irish political philosopher Edmund Burke says:
“All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing.”

3. Write a letter to your local media

Write a letter outlining some of your concerns about surveillance cameras. Most newspapers allow you to submit a letter via email.

4. Support one of No CCTV’s current Actions

Below is a list of current No CCTV actions. Click the links to find out more.

Take action against the Royston number plate cameras “ring of steel”
Oxford – Time to challenge Cowley Road CCTV trial!

5. Get involved with an existing campaign

Visit our campaigns page for a list of existing campaigns against surveillance cameras.

6. Start your own campaign

It’s easier than you think to set up your own local campaign to fight surveillance cameras near you. There are campaigners that have already done it who can advise you, work with you and give you support. Contact us using the contact us link above if you would like to know more.

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passionate about the new and the old, but only if it is any good