The problem with parking

TROuble ahead


My spies inform me that fissures are emerging in the local lab-con-lition over Dunbar’s long awaited Traffic Regulation Order (TRO).

Surely there can be no political dimension to the Traffic Regulation Order? Did the previous administration even approve it? Not sure it did actually – it dithered and delayed, rather like this one.

Sure, some of the TRO proposals are poorly conceived, and using a mega TRO with so many changes is confusing to the poor old public (and me for that matter), who struggle to hold more than one idea in their mind at a time.

There cannot be an ideological difference, as all three parties are signed up to the principles embedded in the local transport strategy. What about cronyism? Surely, there’s too few votes to be had from disgruntled drivers (begging for even more parking or removing the speed bumps that prevent free flowing rat runs through residential areas?) Anyway most people can’t be bothered to vote in local elections, and I don’t see evidence of free fags and booze even if you do. Or are there some quiet private interests at play – a conspiracy?

TROuble is that deferring the TRO, or at least not breaking it up into manageable chunks, there’s a real danger that we throw out the baby with the bathwater. If there is a conspiracy, its plainly one of considerable stupidity.

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passionate about the new and the old, but only if it is any good