Property Repair & Maintenance Evening Event – Haddington

New JAZZY flyer.psdDoes your property need TLC? If it is over 200 years almost certainly the answer to this is yes. Repair and ongoing maintenance of older properties can be difficult, and can be critical if past repairs have been botched or unsympathetic to the original materials used.

This property repair & maintenance evening follows on from previous successful events. The aim is to give advice and support to encourage owners to maintain their buildings, and, importantly to repair using the appropriate materials and techniques.

The lessons learnt through repairing properties will be shared and experts will be available to give their advice to home owners.

Please pass the invite to colleagues/neighbours who may wish to attend.

  • Find out about the condition of your property
  • Find out about the process required to repair and maintain your property
  • Get tips on getting your neighbours together to carry out the works
  • Speak with knowledgeable professionals who can start you off on the right
  • Pick up information and leaflets to help

Please rsvp to if you would like to attend.

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