Badly constructed website

Whenever you do a survey there is always someone who points out the bleeding obvious, thinks they know better or makes some snide remarks because they have an axe to grind. My favourite in our recent survey of the OurLocality…

Local news – who cares? Have your say!

Apparently people care most about news, which happens where they live, or so says the BBC. With the rise of the web, hyperlocal news has emerged as a new trend (and our free local website publishing platform OurLocality and OurLocality…

The trouble with search

We’ve dropped Google search from Ourlocality. Ourlocality has employed Google search tools, but very discretely as set out in its terms and conditions. So discretely that there is little evidence that people used the search (our in site search is pretty…

A more refined blend

We gave you the heads up a little earlier in the month that better menus, workflow and password security were on the cards.

Well as of this morning, a fresh brew of WordPress codenamed Billie, was pushed through. A few minor headaches on the mother site later and you can now enjoy the spangly features.

Briefly unavailable for scheduled maintenance

If you ever get this message, that’s because we try and keep our software bang up to date. Check back in a minute or 2 and it should be all good again, generally.

With literally 10s of thousands of pieces of code that strap our systems together it is not easy, with up to 10 minor updates and tweaks required every week.

What’s new in Ourlocality

Every so often we roll out a new release, so we’re giving you the heads up for what to expect next.