Events News

Pencaitland Litter Pick 2013 Countdown: Day 3 — Dog Fouling

We are fortunate in Pencaitland in generally having responsible pet owners who clear up after their dogs.

Clean Up Scotland & the Dogs Trust work together to promote Poop Scoop Week later this year.
Clean Up Scotland & the Dogs Trust work together to promote Poop Scoop Week later this year.
However, sometimes doggy deposits do make it onto our local pavements and paths. Owners can get free poop scoop bags from the local Post Office and then pop it into one of the public bins.

It’s a dog’s life

There are between 6.5 and 7.4 million dogs in the UK, producing a hard-to-believe 1,000 tonnes of poo per day. It has been estimated that, in a ten year life span, the average dog produces a half tonne of waste!

In recent research into public attitudes to littering carried out by Keep Scotland Beautiful, 69 percent of people rated dog fouling as the item on our streets, parks and beaches that bothered them most, with 13 percent of the people blaming dog owners for the problem.

The Dog Fouling (Scotland) Act 2003 came into force in 2003 which empowers police officers and authorised local authority officers to issue fixed penalty notices. A Fixed Penalty Fine for not picking up after a dog starts at £40, rising to £60. If the fine is not paid, owners can be convicted and end up paying up to £500. Probably not worth it for the cost of a free poop scoop bag from the Post Office!

The Dogs Trust and Keep Scotland Beautiful jointly promote National Poop Scoop Week throughout Scotland each summer.

As ever, East Lothian Council has its own small team of Dog Wardens with plenty of information to be found here.

Come to your Litter Pick

As with past years the Litter Pick action kicks off from 2pm in Pencaitland’s Trevelyan Hall. Groups or families turning up will be given litter pickers and bags before heading off to various parts of, not only Pencaitland, but hopefully some of the other areas covered by the Community Council.

Why a Litter Pick?

Scotland has a litter problem. Take a look the next time you walk outside and you’ll be hard pushed to miss it. Cigarette butts, takeaway wrappers, crisp bags, cans and cartons, newspapers, ATM slips, chewing gum. You name it, and it’s on our streets and motorways, in our parks and our lochs, up our mountains, on our beaches and on your doorstep!

Our local Council does a pretty good job keeping on top of the bulk of our rubbish but the fact is that if we want to live in an attractive village it’s down to all of us to keep it that way. We can’t always rely on someone else to come along and clean up the mess for us. If each of us picks up just one item of rubbish blowing around our streets each day, it will help keep on top of a perennial problem.


Inquiry asks how community transport systems can be improved?

The Scottish government’s Infrastructure and Capital Investment Committee is holding an inquiry looking at whether community transport services are able to better meet the needs of the people they serve.

The Scottish Government wants to move on debate about community transport. Click to find out more.
The Scottish Government wants to move on debate about community transport. Click to find out more.
The Committee claims that it knows how important community transport is to people’s lives, especially the elderly and disabled who make up 80 percent of community transport users.

That’s why the Infrastructure and Capital Investment Committee is keen to hear from community transport users and providers on what they feel are the key issues. The Committee wants to move the debate on, identify the priorities, and make a difference as a result of this inquiry. Your views will help shape that debate.

How to submit your views

The call for written views will close on 19 April 2013. Responses should be sent as email attachments in Word format to:

Or written submissions to:

Infrastructure and Capital Investment
Scottish Parliament
EH99 1SP

How can community transport systems be improved? For more details, visit the Community Transport inquiry website.

Events News

Pencaitland’s 2013 Litter Pick set for 21st April from 2pm

Pencaitland’s regular community Litter Pick is set to take place on Sunday the 21st of April from 2pm.

Pencaitland's Litter Pick-up 2012
Click the photo to see snaps from last year’s event.
As with past years the action kicks off from 2pm in Pencaitland’s Trevelyan Hall. Groups or families turning up will be given litter pickers and bags before heading off to various parts of, not only Pencaitland, but hopefully some of the other areas covered by the Community Council. We’re particularly keen to have groups or families who want to cover Glenkinchie or New Winton this year.

Then, once your area has been covered, pop on back to Trevelyan Hall with your haul of flotsam and jetsam where there will be refreshments and the opportunity for anyone under 16 to participate in our free Prize Draw for a fabulous compact Digital Camera. This year it’s a Nikon L25 and it comes with a memory card and case too.

For 2013’s Litter Pick we are working with Clean Up Scotland, part of the charity Keep Scotland Beautiful. With the nearest Greggs’ support, Clean Up Scotland will be providing goodies for all those taking part. We’ll also be handing out bright yellow tabards to make everyone stand out as they seek out the strangest item of rubbish.

This year's free prize draw, open to all under-16s taking part in the Litter Pick, is a Nikon L25 with memory card and case.
This year’s free prize draw, open to all under-16s taking part in the Litter Pick, is a Nikon L25 with memory card and case.
Last year we had a great selection including a rugby ball, a car bonnet and the Spar’s old shop sign blown away in a storm. Let’s see if we can find even more unusual stuff this time round.

At the 2012 event more than 50 people came along and helped make the Litter Pick a great success. This year we want to beat 2012’s numbers, so make a date in your diary and come make your community a place you can be proud of…

Bring your Camera

If you have a camera please grab some photos during your Litter Pick and email them to us at where we will then feature them on the website.


ELC’s 2013 Civic Pride Fund offers £20k to local groups

East Lothian Council regularly calls for applications to each new round of its Civic Pride Fund. Applications are now being sought for 2013 funding.

Applications from local community groups are sought to ELC's Civic Pride Fund by 30 Nov 2012
Applications from local community groups are sought to ELC’s Civic Pride Fund by 31 March 2013.
East Lothian Council established the Civic Pride Fund in order to support projects that will improve the image of a town, village or local community, give it a sense of place and make it somewhere that local residents and visitors can be proud of.

Projects need to demonstrate community support and involvement and deliver two or more of the following criteria:

  • Make a material difference to the appearance of the town, village or local community
  • Enhance the natural setting and biodiversity of the open space in and around your local area
  • Celebrate something special or unique about the town, village or local community
  • Give the town, village or local community area a sense of place or identity

Locally Pencaitland Parish Church was a recent beneficiary, receiving £2,100 towards repairs to the church’s buildings. The grant from the Council’s Civic Pride Fund was used to repair the bowed leaded windows and cracked window panes to help keep the Grade A listed church weather tight. As Minister David Torrance said at the time of the award, “Through the centuries, the Church has stood as a symbol of faith and hope, serving families, groups and individuals in the local community, so maintaining the building is very important. We are pleased that this has been recognised by the Civic Pride Fund”.

Other awards around East Lothian have gone towards park improvements, plantings, renovation of local monuments, Village Hall improvements, new public seating, public sculpture and floodlights to name a few.

How to Apply

To apply to the fund applicants need to be properly constituted community groups, local heritage groups and voluntary organisations. The £50,000 Civic Pride Fund’s closing date for this funding round is 31 March 2013 with grants of up to a maximum of £20,000 potentially being awarded. Any requests for £5,000 or more require matched funding from a source other than the ELC. A copy of the application form can be found here.

Applications should be sent to:

Landscape & Countryside Manager
East Lothian Council
John Muir House
Brewery Park
EH41 4HA

Want advice?

Do you have a community group project or idea in Pencaitland, New Winton or Glenkinchie which would benefit from financial support from the Civic Pride Fund? If you would like to discuss this with a member of your Community Council you can email with your contact details and we will get in touch to help you develop your idea.


A community car club for Pencaitland?

Pencaitland Community Council is looking into the pros and cons of having a local car that anyone can use. What do you think?

Car Clubs are becoming an increasingly important part of the personal transport mix. They offer a way to have access to private transport without the added hassles of insurance, maintenance, road tax and car recovery memberships.

SpareWheels in Dunbar was one of the first East Lothian community Car Clubs, ploughing profits back into the service for the benefit of all. If you'd like to see a similar set-up in our area click the picture to take the short survey.
SpareWheels in Dunbar was one of the first East Lothian community Car Clubs, ploughing profits back into the service for the benefit of all. If you’d like to see a similar set-up in our area click the picture to take the short survey.
For subscribing members it also gets around the often thorny topic of poor, or no, public transport between local villages and reduces the need for owning a car or second car that sits idle the majority of the time.

Basically it’s all the benefits of private transport without the downsides of owning a car. That’s why your Community Council is asking you to give your views in a short survey.

In recent years private companies have sprung up offering Car Clubs around the UK. One such is the Edinburgh Car Club which has one vehicle in Musselburgh. However, the economics of running a commercially-based Car Club in rural areas makes it unattractive to for-profit shareholder businesses.

This is where community based car club schemes can make all the difference, providing local villages with the same benefits enjoyed by large urban areas, but with all the proceeds going into developing the service rather than paying shareholders.

Dunbar already enjoys the benefits of its car club scheme SpareWheels, launched in 2011 and now with three available vehicles. It operates as a not-for-profit, using any surplus to provide a better service to its members and keep member costs as low as possible. Shortly Haddington will do likewise with the launch of Easywheels later this month.

In Pencaitland, working with Carplus, your community council wants to assess the level of interest in having a car based in the village and accessible to any members for use for as little as half an hour up to several days at a time.

Carplus was established back in 2000 to support the development of car clubs across the UK, in response to growing environmental concerns around private car use.

Do the Survey

Please take a few minutes to take part in the short survey and help us assess the level of interest in this community becoming part of the wider network of community-backed car clubs developing in the county. Please also pass on the word to others — especially those who may not be online but would benefit from access to a private car.

Background: How do Car Clubs Work?

Car clubs typically provide members with access to pay-as-you-drive vehicles which are parked in reserved spaces and available for hire on an hourly or daily basis, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The club covers all the costs of owning and operating the vehicles, such as insurance, tax, fuel, cleaning and servicing. Members usually pay an annual membership fee to be part of a car club and then pay an hourly charge (typically between £3 and £5) to hire a vehicle and a mileage charge (typically around 21p per mile) that covers fuel and vehicle wear and tear and are usually billed for their use monthly in arrears. Members book vehicles online or over the phone for as little as 30 minutes up to several days at a time and can access car club vehicles via a smart card or by a key, accessible via a key safe.


PTA & Playgroup Fun Run set for Saturday 13th April

The PTA & Playgroup Fun Run takes place on Saturday the 13th of April from 2pm in the grounds on Pencaitland Primary School.

The PTA Fun Run 2012. Click the photo to see more from last year's fun event.
The PTA Fun Run 2012. Click the photo to see more from last year’s fun event.
There’s something available for all skill levels at this year’s PTA Fun Run. On offer are the 10k, 5k and family 3.5k runs with a 10k bike trail. It’s sure to be a fun afternoon.

If you’d like to take part then follow the links to the forms. If you can spare time to help out as a Marshal (30 are needed) Contact Charlotte Taylor on 01875 340 987 or

Entry Forms

You can see a selection of snaps from last year’s Fun Run here.


Pencaitland offers financial support to local groups

Each year Pencaitland Community Council aims to allocate a modest budget towards needy local groups. If you run, or know those running, a local community group read on to find out how to apply.

Pencaitland Playgroup is one of a number of local community groups to have benefited with help from the Community Council.
Pencaitland Playgroup is one of a number of local community groups to have benefited with help from the Community Council.
Each year Pencaitland’s Community Council seeks to make available funds to help support the efforts of local groups working for and with members, young and old, of the local community. Typically these are only small sums of money as the Community Council itself receives very limited funding support from East Lothian Council.

Examples of past support include funds to New Winton and Boggs Holdings for maintenance of local community halls, cash towards books for Pencaitland Parish Church, money to assist the local Rainbows Pack and many other beneficiaries over the years.

If you work with a local group in the community, to be considered for funding support we ask for the following:

  • What does your group do in the community?
  • How much do you require?
  • What will the funds you are seeking be used for?

Whilst we cannot guarantee that the Community Council will be able to meet funding requests, we will do our best to allocate what funds we do have as fairly as possible.

The Community Council will consider all requests it receives before the 15th of February. Please reply to


New flood warnings issued – Share your knowledge

flood alert logoWe have recent video of flooding in Pencaitland plus fresh reports that further floods may occur today. If you spot problems tell others. Here’s how…

If you plan to travel today and spot a flooded section of road please tweet details to @pencaitlandcc or to the Pencaitland Facebook page. This way the information will automatically be passed on to others.

Twitter example message:

@pencaitlandcc Bend of A6093 coming into Wester #Pencaitland flooded both lanes on final bend. #flood #eastlothian

You can use the same text whether sending to Twitter or posting to Facebook or Google+… whichever is your preferred social tool of choice.

the # symbol is often placed in front of keywords on Twitter in order to help people discover relevant updates. If you have room, by adding #eastlothian and #flood to your message it is more likely to be found by those looking for information on floods in the county. Try to be specific, using, for example, #ormiston or #pencaitland hash tags to help geographically pinpoint where the problem is.


Here’s the latest from the Scottish Environment Protection Agency:

“A FLOOD ALERT has been issued for Edinburgh and Lothians.

A period of heavy and persistent rain is forecast to affect the area on Thursday through until Friday. Flooding to low lying areas from rivers and small watercourses is possible. The intensity of the rain may also cause some surface water flooding, particularly in built up areas or on low lying roads. SEPA will continue to monitor the situation and further updates will be provided when new information becomes available.”


More heavy rain was predicted over night and we got it. So much so, that the notorious final bends into the western edge of the village of Pencaitland were already half flooded with run off from the neighbouring field. (Can’t see the video below? Go to Pencaitland Community on YouTube.)

We recently saw the Tyne burst its banks at Pencaitland and it’s done it again today. But the problems will be more acute for Haddington further downstream which already suffered flooding during the last heavy downpour. (Can’t see the video below? Go to Pencaitland Community on YouTube.)


Flood warnings issued – share flood info socially

flood alert logoThere are reports (see below) that we may get floods around East Lothian today. If you spot problems tell others. Here’s how…

If you plan to travel today and spot a flooded section of road please tweet details to @pencaitlandcc or to the Pencaitland Facebook page. This way the information will automatically be passed on to others.

Twitter example message:

@pencaitlandcc Bend of A6093 coming into Wester #Pencaitland flooded both lanes on final bend. #flood #eastlothian

You can use the same text whether sending to Twitter or posting to Facebook or Google+… whichever is your preferred social tool of choice.

the # symbol is often placed in front of keywords on Twitter in order to help people discover relevant updates. If you have room, by adding #eastlothian and #flood to your message it is more likely to be found by those looking for information on floods in the county. Try to be specific, using, for example, #ormiston or #pencaitland hash tags to help geographically pinpoint where the problem is.


Here’s the latest from the Scottish Environment Protection Agency:

“A FLOOD ALERT has been issued for Edinburgh and Lothians.

Very heavy persistent rainfall has been forecast from mid afternoon Monday until early Tuesday morning. This is expected to lead to a risk of flooding throughout the area from rivers, small watercourses and surface water. Impacts are possible both within this period and throughout Tuesday, from where conditions are expected to improve. SEPA duty officers will continue to monitor the developing situation and will issue updates as further information becomes available.”

News Notices

Community Council Elections 2012 – Pencaitland really needs you

Pencaitland needs new blood - have you got any to spare? Click for background info and documents on the upcoming elections.Have you thought about joining us on Pencaitland Community Council? Here’s your opportunity to help the community you live in and shape the future direction of your village.

East Lothian’s twenty Community Councils are run on a voluntary basis by local people just like you. They act as a vital link between East Lothian Council and the local area, giving residents an opportunity to speak out on local issues of concern. Pencaitland holds ten meetings a year.

Pencaitland’s Community Council extends to cover the villages of New Winton, Boggs Holdings & Glenkinchie/Peastonbank, plus everything in-between. We really need some new blood, not just from Pencaitland but all the those parts that fall within this community council and form part of our ward.

In all there are fifteen seats on the community council. Elections are only held where there are more nominations than available seats on the community council. There have been no elections to Pencaitland’s community council in recent years though all seats have, until recently, been taken up.

Pencaitland Community Council Area MapIf you are interested in becoming a member of your local Community Council the only requirement is that you are aged 16 or over.

Interested? Want to know more? Then contact the current Community Chair, Ralph, on 01875 340 641.

Nomination forms must be returned to the Returning Officer no later than 4pm on Thursday 13 September 2012.

Tea & biscuits come free…