
Scottish Government consults on strategy to tackle litter & flytipping

The Scottish Government has published its draft National Litter Strategy for consultation, focusing on action that will help prevent litter and illegal dumping.

Litter has huge direct and indirect costs on every taxpayer. Click the image above to see the full Scottish Government infographic.
Litter has huge direct and indirect costs on every taxpayer. Click the image above to see the full Scottish Government infographic.
It encourages people to take greater personal responsibility, and includes support for organisations to help solve the problem. The consultation sets out how the Government intends to:

  • Help people understand why binning waste responsibly matters
  • Make it easy for people to do so
  • Highlight that littering and flytipping are socially unacceptable

You can view the consultation on the Scottish Government website.

The Scottish Government is inviting written responses by 27 September 2013. Responses by e-mail should be sent to:

A consultation event is expected to be held at Victoria Quay, Edinburgh, on 30 August. If you would like to attend or receive more details when they are available please email to the above address.

The issue of illegal dumping and flytipping also links with a parallel consultation on proposals to create cleaner coastlines by tackling marine litter. You can read details of both issues via the Scottish Government’s news release on this issue.


Inquiry asks how community transport systems can be improved?

The Scottish government’s Infrastructure and Capital Investment Committee is holding an inquiry looking at whether community transport services are able to better meet the needs of the people they serve.

The Scottish Government wants to move on debate about community transport. Click to find out more.
The Scottish Government wants to move on debate about community transport. Click to find out more.
The Committee claims that it knows how important community transport is to people’s lives, especially the elderly and disabled who make up 80 percent of community transport users.

That’s why the Infrastructure and Capital Investment Committee is keen to hear from community transport users and providers on what they feel are the key issues. The Committee wants to move the debate on, identify the priorities, and make a difference as a result of this inquiry. Your views will help shape that debate.

How to submit your views

The call for written views will close on 19 April 2013. Responses should be sent as email attachments in Word format to:

Or written submissions to:

Infrastructure and Capital Investment
Scottish Parliament
EH99 1SP

How can community transport systems be improved? For more details, visit the Community Transport inquiry website.

News Notices

Look out for Pollington’s van in Pencaitland this Thursday

Michael Pollington returns with his fine food and drink van to Pencaitland tomorrow — now a regular Thursday stop in the heart of the village.

Pollington's van makes it's first regular Thursday stopover in Pencaitland

Look out for the mobile specialist in Wester Pencaitland each Thursday between 10am and Noon, close to the Mercat Cross and bus stop.

For a current product list visit the website at where you can also email an order to have ready to collect upon arrival.’ Tel: 07411 432922 Email:

Pencaitland Community Council
Follow Pencaitland Community Council on Twitter


Ormiston dental surgery set to close

Members of the local community have recently received a letter from Lynda Carlisle B.D.S., who for many years has operated a Dental Surgery catering to NHS patients from a practice based in Ormiston’s high street. The surgery is being forced to close at the end of May.

For people in and around Pencaitland it was a great service, both for its convenience and proximity as well as welcoming NHS clients.

Sadly, due to new regulations Lynda Carlisle has been forced to close the dental practice. As her letter explains, “New regulations recently introduced by the Scottish government dictate that all dental surgeries must have ‘a decontamination room’ dedicated to sterilising instruments. Despite there being no evidence basis for this need, all surgeries not conforming will be closed. My premises have not got sufficient space for this extension, so closure is inevitable.”

Fortunately Lynda Carlisle isn’t leaving anyone in the lurch. As she goes on to explain, “The good news is that the ‘Sidegate Dental Practice’ in Haddington has agreed to accept block transfer of all my regular registered patients, thus ensuring that they can continue to receive NHS dentistry.”

The Sidegate Dental Surgery is at 7 Sidegate in Haddington and can be contacted on 01620 824033.

Many patients will be very sorry to see the end of the Ormiston Dental Surgery which has been run by Lynda and her assistant Shirley for 26 years. We wish them both the best for the future.