
NHS Lothian warning over seasonal flu and meningitis

NHS Lothian are warning people to be aware that seasonal influenza is now circulating. It can be severe in those with chronic diseases such as asthma or those with low immunity due to medical treatment.

Copyright Allan Foster @ Flickr aka foshydog
NHS Lothian advises scrupulous hand washing and quick disposal of infected tissues. [Image copyright Allan Foster]
Symptoms of flu include sudden onset of fever, cough as well as sore throat, aching muscles and joints. The best advice for treating flu in healthy people is to stay at home, rest, drink plenty of fluids and take pain relievers such as paracetamol. Children under 16 should not take any medicines containing aspirin.

Maintaining good cough and hand hygiene, such as covering your nose and mouth with a tissue when you cough and sneeze, disposing of the tissue as soon as possible and cleaning your hands as soon you can, are important actions that can help prevent the spread of germs and reduce the risk of transmission.

Unfortunately, at this time of year the NHS are also highlighting that the germ that causes meningitis (Meningococcus) can also be more common. NHS Lothian Health Protection Team is encouraging parents to be vigilant for symptoms and signs of meningitis. Symptoms include:

  1. High temperature or feeling feverish
  2. Flu like aches and pains in muscles and joints
  3. Stiff or sore neck and back
  4. Severe headache
  5. Vomiting
  6. Dislike of bright lights
  7. Skin rash – small red or purple spots or blotches, which can appear suddenly,
    spread rapidly and may not fade if pressed
  8. Drowsiness, loss of consciousness or coma

More information on flu can be found here and on meningitis here.


Nits pick Pencaitland

We’ve had reports that a number of people have recently discovered head lice (or nits) on their children and/or themselves.

Hairbrush - do not share your brush or comb with any other family members and rinse under warm water (image copyright stopherjones @ Flickr)If you don’t know how to detect them we recommend you read the following information on the NHS Choices website…

Head lice are tiny wingless insects that live in human hair. They are common, particularly in children.

Head lice are grey-brown in colour, the size of a pinhead when hatched and of a sesame seed when fully grown.

They cannot fly, jump or swim and are spread by head-to-head contact, climbing from the hair of an infected person to the hair of someone else.

A head lice infestation is not the result of dirty hair or poor hygiene. Head lice can affect all types of hair irrespective of its condition and length.

Head lice only affect humans and cannot be passed on to animals or be caught from them.

For details on life cycle, detection and treatment visit the NHS Choices website

Nits are tenacious critters. Kids with an all-clear one week can easily pick up an infestation playing with other children. So it’s best to frequently check for evidence by regularly combing with a specialist nit brush. Head cleanliness provides no advantage or protection.

If you discover a member of your family is affected, ensure that you tell anyone you or your family have been in recent contact with. This will reduce the chances of reinfestation.

Lastly, do not share hair brushes between family members. Ensure everyone uses their own comb or brush.

Good luck…

Pencaitland Community Council
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Ormiston dental surgery set to close

Members of the local community have recently received a letter from Lynda Carlisle B.D.S., who for many years has operated a Dental Surgery catering to NHS patients from a practice based in Ormiston’s high street. The surgery is being forced to close at the end of May.

For people in and around Pencaitland it was a great service, both for its convenience and proximity as well as welcoming NHS clients.

Sadly, due to new regulations Lynda Carlisle has been forced to close the dental practice. As her letter explains, “New regulations recently introduced by the Scottish government dictate that all dental surgeries must have ‘a decontamination room’ dedicated to sterilising instruments. Despite there being no evidence basis for this need, all surgeries not conforming will be closed. My premises have not got sufficient space for this extension, so closure is inevitable.”

Fortunately Lynda Carlisle isn’t leaving anyone in the lurch. As she goes on to explain, “The good news is that the ‘Sidegate Dental Practice’ in Haddington has agreed to accept block transfer of all my regular registered patients, thus ensuring that they can continue to receive NHS dentistry.”

The Sidegate Dental Surgery is at 7 Sidegate in Haddington and can be contacted on 01620 824033.

Many patients will be very sorry to see the end of the Ormiston Dental Surgery which has been run by Lynda and her assistant Shirley for 26 years. We wish them both the best for the future.