
Berry bugs local villagers

Berry Bug bite. Picture source creative commons @ WikipediaYou may be one of the many unfortunate people to have encountered these strange red whelts on your skin in recent weeks. If you have then chances are you’re suffering from Berry Bug bites.

Berry Bugs, as they are best known in the Lothians, also go by the name of Harvest Mites. These tiny mites are almost invisible at this stage and live in grass and other plants. During their parasitic stage they can get onto cats, dogs and, most itchy of all, people too.

Fortunately they tend to be most active in late summer at harvest time, hence their other common name of Harvest Mites. Whilst they are found throughout Britain, they seem to be especially common in the East of Scotland.

So if you have a bunch of angry red lumps on you just now then there’s a good chance you’ve got them too. Treatments vary from person to person but a hot shower before bed is reputed to work for some or at least reduce the worst symptoms. Some also suggest DEET or similar treatments which can be picked up at chemists.

And just in case there’s any doubt, these little critters have been bugging us for some time. In an extract from the Carlyle Letters from 29th July 1857, Jane Welsh Carlyle writes, “The short journey to Tranent was complicated by 35 minutes waiting at Longniddry station where one is always bitten all over by that accursed new insect the harvest-bug.” (Source)

Further details on these annoying little creatures can be found on the links below.

Wikipedia – Trombiculidae
K9centre – Harvest Mites
News & Views from Dave Wilson – Think DEET doesn’t work?


Nits pick Pencaitland

We’ve had reports that a number of people have recently discovered head lice (or nits) on their children and/or themselves.

Hairbrush - do not share your brush or comb with any other family members and rinse under warm water (image copyright stopherjones @ Flickr)If you don’t know how to detect them we recommend you read the following information on the NHS Choices website…

Head lice are tiny wingless insects that live in human hair. They are common, particularly in children.

Head lice are grey-brown in colour, the size of a pinhead when hatched and of a sesame seed when fully grown.

They cannot fly, jump or swim and are spread by head-to-head contact, climbing from the hair of an infected person to the hair of someone else.

A head lice infestation is not the result of dirty hair or poor hygiene. Head lice can affect all types of hair irrespective of its condition and length.

Head lice only affect humans and cannot be passed on to animals or be caught from them.

For details on life cycle, detection and treatment visit the NHS Choices website

Nits are tenacious critters. Kids with an all-clear one week can easily pick up an infestation playing with other children. So it’s best to frequently check for evidence by regularly combing with a specialist nit brush. Head cleanliness provides no advantage or protection.

If you discover a member of your family is affected, ensure that you tell anyone you or your family have been in recent contact with. This will reduce the chances of reinfestation.

Lastly, do not share hair brushes between family members. Ensure everyone uses their own comb or brush.

Good luck…

Pencaitland Community Council
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