
Scoop on the poop… Part 2

In January 2012 we ran a story on dog fouling problems in Pencaitland. A year on and we’ve been contacted by a villager on this very problem, so here’s a reminder of what action you can take.

Have you been an unwitting victim of dog poo? It seems many of you have as we’ve had a spate of reports about young and old inadvertently getting into a mess… literally!

East Lothian Dog Watch - click to find out about reporting an offenderThis comment comes from a person new to the village who felt, (quite reasonably and because it’s the law) that dog owners and walkers really ought to clean up after their dogs, “especially on paved paths and at the children’s play park at Easter Pencaitland. I’ve been quite shocked by the amount of dog’s dirt on pavements around the school and disgusted by the discovery next to the climbing frame, slide and swings.”

Caught in the act

If you actually spot an owner not cleaning up after their dog report this directly to East Lothian’s community and environmental wardens. They enforce dog and litter legislation and issue fixed penalty fines to people who drop litter or don’t clean up after their dog.

If you’re a tweeter you can tweet your Community Council @pencaitlandcc or post a message on the Community Council Facebook page if you spot disagreeable doggy deposits.

The Council is trying to combat the nuisance of dog fouling. Dog Watch – Who’s Watching You? – is designed to allow the public to easily report when they see an offence being committed.

One of the main reasons that dog owners don’t clear up after their dog is because they think there’s not a Council officer watching. However, if the message gets out that the general public can now take direct action to report offences, it’s hoped that the few dog owners who aren’t being responsible are far more likely to change their ways.

Scoop on the poop -- click to report when you see an owner not cleaning their animal's mess.To report details of a dog fouling offence directly to East Lothian’s community and environmental wardens call 01875 824 305 or report it online.

Poop scoop bags

Free poop scoop bags are available from most council offices and libraries and often there are some available in the local Pencaitland Post Office.

You can also contact the Dog Wardens by calling 01620 827434 or emailing with your address. They will then post you a free packet of bags.


Berry bugs local villagers

Berry Bug bite. Picture source creative commons @ WikipediaYou may be one of the many unfortunate people to have encountered these strange red whelts on your skin in recent weeks. If you have then chances are you’re suffering from Berry Bug bites.

Berry Bugs, as they are best known in the Lothians, also go by the name of Harvest Mites. These tiny mites are almost invisible at this stage and live in grass and other plants. During their parasitic stage they can get onto cats, dogs and, most itchy of all, people too.

Fortunately they tend to be most active in late summer at harvest time, hence their other common name of Harvest Mites. Whilst they are found throughout Britain, they seem to be especially common in the East of Scotland.

So if you have a bunch of angry red lumps on you just now then there’s a good chance you’ve got them too. Treatments vary from person to person but a hot shower before bed is reputed to work for some or at least reduce the worst symptoms. Some also suggest DEET or similar treatments which can be picked up at chemists.

And just in case there’s any doubt, these little critters have been bugging us for some time. In an extract from the Carlyle Letters from 29th July 1857, Jane Welsh Carlyle writes, “The short journey to Tranent was complicated by 35 minutes waiting at Longniddry station where one is always bitten all over by that accursed new insect the harvest-bug.” (Source)

Further details on these annoying little creatures can be found on the links below.

Wikipedia – Trombiculidae
K9centre – Harvest Mites
News & Views from Dave Wilson – Think DEET doesn’t work?


Scoop on the Poop!

Have you been an unwitting victim of dog poo? It seems many of you have as we’ve had a spate of reports about young and old inadvertently getting into a mess… literally!

East Lothian Dog Watch - click to find out about reporting an offender

To try and get a measure of how big the problem is we’d like your help. The next time you see a doggy doo on your way around the village please send a text to 07920 094 923 saying when and where, or if you’re a tweeter you can tweet your Community Council @pencaitlandcc or post a message on the Community Council Facebook page.

Caught in the act

If you actually spot an owner not cleaning up after their dog report this directly to East Lothian’s community and environmental wardens. They enforce dog and litter legislation and issue fixed penalty fines to people who drop litter or don’t clean up after their dog.