
Scoop on the Poop!

Have you been an unwitting victim of dog poo? It seems many of you have as we’ve had a spate of reports about young and old inadvertently getting into a mess… literally!

Have you been an unwitting victim of dog poo? It seems many of you have as we’ve had a spate of reports about young and old inadvertently getting into a mess… literally!

East Lothian Dog Watch - click to find out about reporting an offender

To try and get a measure of how big the problem is we’d like your help. The next time you see a doggy doo on your way around the village please send a text to 07920 094 923 saying when and where, or if you’re a tweeter you can tweet your Community Council @pencaitlandcc or post a message on the Community Council Facebook page.

Caught in the act

If you actually spot an owner not cleaning up after their dog report this directly to East Lothian’s community and environmental wardens. They enforce dog and litter legislation and issue fixed penalty fines to people who drop litter or don’t clean up after their dog.

The Council has a campaign to try and combat the nuisance of dog fouling. Dog Watch – Who’s Watching You? – is designed to allow the public to easily report when they see an offence being committed.

One of the main reasons that dog owners don’t clear up after their dog is because they think there’s not a Council officer watching. However, if the message gets out that the general public can now take direct action to report offences, it’s hoped that the few dog owners who aren’t being responsible are far more likely to change their ways.

More information is available in this download.

Scoop on the poop -- click to report when you see an owner not cleaning their animal's mess.

To report details of a dog fouling offence directly to East Lothian’s community and environmental wardens call 01875 824 305 or report it online.

Pencaitland Community Council
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By pencaitland

Pencaitland Community Council exists to represent the views of local residents about local issues that matter to them. This involves close liaison with other groups in the community and helps to develop a more coherent and dynamic village environment.

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