The Scottish government’s Infrastructure and Capital Investment Committee is holding an inquiry looking at whether community transport services are able to better meet the needs of the people they serve.
The Committee claims that it knows how important community transport is to people’s lives, especially the elderly and disabled who make up 80 percent of community transport users.
That’s why the Infrastructure and Capital Investment Committee is keen to hear from community transport users and providers on what they feel are the key issues. The Committee wants to move the debate on, identify the priorities, and make a difference as a result of this inquiry. Your views will help shape that debate.
How to submit your views
The call for written views will close on 19 April 2013. Responses should be sent as email attachments in Word format to:
Or written submissions to:
Infrastructure and Capital Investment
Scottish Parliament
EH99 1SP
How can community transport systems be improved? For more details, visit the Community Transport inquiry website.