Pencaitland’s regular community Litter Pick is set to take place on Sunday the 21st of April from 2pm.
As with past years the action kicks off from 2pm in Pencaitland’s Trevelyan Hall. Groups or families turning up will be given litter pickers and bags before heading off to various parts of, not only Pencaitland, but hopefully some of the other areas covered by the Community Council. We’re particularly keen to have groups or families who want to cover Glenkinchie or New Winton this year.
Then, once your area has been covered, pop on back to Trevelyan Hall with your haul of flotsam and jetsam where there will be refreshments and the opportunity for anyone under 16 to participate in our free Prize Draw for a fabulous compact Digital Camera. This year it’s a Nikon L25 and it comes with a memory card and case too.
For 2013’s Litter Pick we are working with Clean Up Scotland, part of the charity Keep Scotland Beautiful. With the nearest Greggs’ support, Clean Up Scotland will be providing goodies for all those taking part. We’ll also be handing out bright yellow tabards to make everyone stand out as they seek out the strangest item of rubbish.
Last year we had a great selection including a rugby ball, a car bonnet and the Spar’s old shop sign blown away in a storm. Let’s see if we can find even more unusual stuff this time round.
At the 2012 event more than 50 people came along and helped make the Litter Pick a great success. This year we want to beat 2012’s numbers, so make a date in your diary and come make your community a place you can be proud of…
Bring your Camera
If you have a camera please grab some photos during your Litter Pick and email them to us at where we will then feature them on the website.
378 replies on “Pencaitland’s 2013 Litter Pick set for 21st April from 2pm”
Frank Stacey and I, in our capacity as members of the Community Council, met with the kids on Pencaitland Primary’s Citizenship Committee along with Deputy Head Fiona Macartney earlier today. We were looking for interesting ideas for the Community Litter Pick which is happening on the 21st of April from 2pm. One kid had the inspired idea of letting any kids coming to the Litter Pick (16 or under) to not only enter the prize draw for a digital camera (more on the website – link below) but also get an extra raffle ticket for every person they bring along with them to help. The more helpers the better their chances of winning the draw! That’s young brain cells for you. Clearly my own are somewhat addled and incapable of such inspired thoughts!