Each year Pencaitland Community Council aims to allocate a modest budget towards needy local groups. If you run, or know those running, a local community group read on to find out how to apply.
Each year Pencaitland’s Community Council seeks to make available funds to help support the efforts of local groups working for and with members, young and old, of the local community. Typically these are only small sums of money as the Community Council itself receives very limited funding support from East Lothian Council.
Examples of past support include funds to New Winton and Boggs Holdings for maintenance of local community halls, cash towards books for Pencaitland Parish Church, money to assist the local Rainbows Pack and many other beneficiaries over the years.
If you work with a local group in the community, to be considered for funding support we ask for the following:
- What does your group do in the community?
- How much do you require?
- What will the funds you are seeking be used for?
Whilst we cannot guarantee that the Community Council will be able to meet funding requests, we will do our best to allocate what funds we do have as fairly as possible.
The Community Council will consider all requests it receives before the 15th of February. Please reply to chair@pencaitland.org.
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RT @pencaitlandcc: #Pencaitland CC offers financial support to local groups http://t.co/vOAZ16xY @elcourier @newseastlothian
RT @pencaitlandcc: #Pencaitland CC offers financial support to local groups http://t.co/vOAZ16xY @elcourier @newseastlothian