Did you know? 2) @ourlocality posts your news but not your pages

Thankfully @ourlocality won’t tell the whole world via its syndication services: https://news.ourlocality.org and twitter that you’ve just published a new ‘Page’ on your website. Only ‘Posts’ get spun out. There are, however, some small differences in the way that the syndication…

Did you know? 1) @ourlocality syndicates your news to twitter

Did you know that all your news gets re-published not just @ News.Ourlocality.Org but also on twitter @ourlocality? The News site first aggregates all published posts from the OurLocality network and then pushes it to twitter, after a short delay,…

An Update with You in Mind – WordPress 4.8 is coming

Indeed by the time you read this it will be … so gear up for a more intuitive WordPress! WordPress 4.8 – ‘Evans’ after the Jazz Musician Bill Evans, adds some great new features.   Here is what Matt Mullenweg,…


A Spam Blog (known as a Splog in the jargon) is a website or blog created exclusively to peddle links to some other website, which may be fake or otherwise misleading. Spam blogs can generally be spotted easily as they:

Security Certificate Renewals

Users to a number of our sites in the last couple of days may have got a warning that the site was not secure. What this really means is that the security certificate that helps to protect the site from…

Short Cuts

Life is too short to remember all these short cuts, suffice to say that you will find them all listed in the ? mark in the screen editor of your editing window. The headings ones are particularly handy if your…