One of the defining characteristics of the Dunbar streetscene are the relatively wide pavements along with the cobbled sets that accent the pavement edges, pattern the parking bays and, until recently, framed the pedestrian crossings. The street scheme is relatively new, and possibly, with the exception of the exaggerated lighting scheme which is unnecessarily bright at night, it has helped to enhance the streetscene, at least superficially. A good thing surely?
Well the parking scheme largely cancels out the aesthetic benefits and the quality of the views are much reduced, obscuring the positive characteristics and poor maintenance over the years is not helping. But using the natural / built characteristics of our high street can we start to re-imagine Dunbar, perhaps as a ‘market town’ and destination?
I can already visualise the brown signs saying something like “Dunbar – Historic Town and Harbour”. This seems to be what is happening up and down the country, but why not have some of this here?
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