Proposed Waiting and Loading Restrictions in Dunbar ensure High Street is Resident Parking-Free Zone


East Lothian Council is recommending that the existing Traffic Regulation Order (TRO) for Dunbar be amended to reflect current parking behaviour and road use by residents and businesses. A formal consultation letter has been sent out to statutory consultees. The Council would also like to gather the views of others with an interest in this issue. When responding to this consultation ELC IS ENCOURAGING respondents to take the following into account :

  • The positioning of goods loading bays
  • The location of disabled parking bays
  • The length of time of stay (in relation to parking)
  • The no return period (in relation to parking)
  • The location of the taxi rank

THEY NEGLECT TO ADD that: Continue reading Proposed Waiting and Loading Restrictions in Dunbar ensure High Street is Resident Parking-Free Zone

East Lothian Tenants and Residents Panel: Annual Conference

East Lothian Tenants and Residents Panel are holding their annual conference very soon at Ormiston Community Centre, George Street, Ormiston. While we are not members nor even affiliated, I am sure that they would welcome us along. Recent newsletters can be found over on the ELTRP website, which give a flavour of the range of ELTRP’s  activities.

The aims of  the Annual Conference:

  • Discuss what the 2012 homelessness target means for East Lothian – A home for everyone?
  • Highlight what East Lothian Council\’s new Tenant Participation Strategy means for tenants
  • Share the experiences of an ex-serviceman after leaving the armed forces

Meetup this Thursday at 7pm Royal Mackintosh Hotel

I’ve caught up with a good number of residents at our end of the town over the last week or so, by no means all of them and not necessarily a completely representative cross-section, but a good start.

It seems there is plenty of interest in developing some sort of grouping, a collective voice to help improve things at our end of the town.

So, I’ve reserved the upstairs room at the Royal Mac from 7:00pm (say til 9:00pm latest) for this Thursday the 15th March for an exploratory meeting. We can convene downstairs if only a few of us can make it and it’s quiet.

The purpose of this meeting is to decide whether there should be a residents association and how we go about setting one up, the area it might cover, and the organisation of a wider open public meeting.

We can also have a think about some (initial) aims and objectives, and best to keep in touch (I’ve kept the email recipient list private for now, but many of you are not on email). I will hand deliver this note to neighbours I’ve spoken with.

In fact because I don’t expect you’ll all be able to make it, please feel free to send in any initial thoughts you have by email, to the website or post. There will be plenty of opportunities to shape and influence what we do.

If we do chose to constitute as a “tenants and residents association” we should be able to tap into council supported facilities for creche and admin. I imagine we’ll also be able to bid for funds from Dunbar Community Council and other funding bodies. Importantly, DCC and ELC will have to take account of our views.

I’ll prepare a rough outline for the agenda before next Thursday, but lets keep it fairly informal for now.

If you have child sitting needs, I may well be able to offer a mature teenager’s services, let me know.

I hope I haven’t missed anything too important …

Many thanks