Pointless Pole

IMG-20131121-00055Not long ago the council pointlessly erected new signs, to the Police Station and to make us all aware of the new crossings, as if the reflective plastic coatings on the belishas themselves wasn’t insulting enough.

And now the pole is gone. It came down in the night, sometime last week. When asked by our diligent reporters, locals asserted it came down in the wind. Yeah right, whatever.

As it happens I took a closer look and discovered to my amazement that the pole had been sunk about 9″ and a mean quantity of cement used. By my reckoning a pole of that height should be sunk at the very least 18″, possibly more, and a tad more cement – but what would I know – it was dark and cold and I wanted to go home.

Still that the pole could have clonked an old lady on the head – I wonder how many other poles out there have been badly installed? What about the policy to declutter the High Street of pointless signage – following national policy to declutter (most people ignore these signs)?

ELC should take the lead and remove as many signs as practical, perhaps with the exception of those that get people to use the public car parks rather than the limited on street facilities, which would be better reserved for loading and unloading. We could then reinstate the original street design and remove those unsightly obstacles, which masquerade as planters, which only attract trash, pointless vandalism and dog pee and paint the town black.

Oh yes, and we could have a few of the following, though my favourite one “PISS OFF” would probably not meet with wide public or council approval:

Dog owners should “curb their dog”, as the public pavement, private front doors and storefronts are inappropriate and unhygienic places to let your dog pee.


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passionate about the new and the old, but only if it is any good