Apparently the Scottish Government thinks so and has totted up the total to a bewildering £25 million. Wow! I wonder what methodology was used and what the confidence interval is? +/- £15 million? [1. A final significant area looked at for this study was the potential for litter to impact house prices. Taking a low end estimate of the possible effect of litter on house prices (where it can affect both the valuer’s and buyer’s perception), and assuming this might apply to just 1% of Scotland’s housing stock, still gave a very significant cumulative figure of £100 million. The Eunomia research team believes this figure should be treated with caution in the Scottish context. However, even if the impact on Scottish house prices is a fraction of the initial estimate, it would still be a figure counted in millions.]
We want our National Litter Strategy to achieve a cleaner, safer environment for people who live in and visit Scotland – where littering is no longer acceptable. The strategy we are consulting on is a package of measures to encourage people not to litter or flytip.